The Senate is the academic authority of the University and has primary responsibility for the academic work of the University, both in teaching and in research, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education and discipline of the students of the University. Senate is defined by the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances.
The Senate is the academic authority of the University and draws its membership from the academic and Professional Services staff and the students of the institution. View the full list of Senate Membership.
The Senate Standing Orders are the written rules which regulate the proceedings of Senate.
The Council Standing Orders for committees are the rules on the way in which the business of those committees, in particular the Council, the Senate and their sub-committees, are conducted, for example, rules of debate, methods of voting, powers of the chair, etc. The Standing Orders for committees were approved at Council in May 2022 and have been created for all sub-committees to simplify and standardise the approach, while allowing for individual committee requirements where needed.
Please note that the minutes are usually published following formal approval at the next meeting.
- Meeting on 12 June 2024 - cancelled
- Minutes from meeting on 24 April 2024
- Minutes from meeting on 21 February 2024
- Minutes from meeting on 1 November 2023
- Minutes from meeting on 27 September 2023
- Meeting on 14 June 2023 - cancelled
- Minutes from meeting on 26 April 2023
- Minutes from meeting on 8 February 2023
- Minutes from meeting on 2 November 2022
The powers of Senate are outlined in the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances (Ordinance 5A).
The Senate has delegated other decisions as defined in the Senate Schedule of Delegations and in the terms of reference of Senate Sub-Committees. Please note that these delegations are due for review and may contain out of date information that requires checking with colleagues in the Governance Services team.
It is recognised that Council retains the ultimate accountability and corporate responsibility for the decisions made on its behalf.
The Organogram of decision making sets out delegated authority visually.
Senate Sub-Committees terms of reference and membership list.
Senate Elections Nomination Form
University Senate: Call for Nominations: Lecturer from each Faculty
Interested in understanding how the University works? Would like to contribute to University decision making? Could offer perspectives on academic issues?
Shortly there will be four vacancies arising on the University Senate for one lecturer from each Faculty. Each position is elected by academic staff from the same Faculty and appointments are for three years to 31 July 2028.
Senate is responsible for the academic work of the University, including to promote the strategic development activities of the University, to promote and enhance the academic work of the University both in teaching and research, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education and discipline of the students of the University. Senate meets ordinarily five times a year. Find out about details regarding the Senate’s membership and its primary responsibilities.
Nominations Process
Nominations are sought from lecturers from each Faculty to serve on Senate. In particular, Senate has previously encouraged early-career academics to put themselves forward for this role (i.e. those within five years of starting their academic career at the time of the appointment).
In line with the CUC Higher Education Code of Governance, Senate is committed to ensuring that its composition ‘includes a diversity of voice, attitude and experience’ and welcomes interest in participation. It is actively seeking to diversify its membership and would welcome applications from all genders, ethnicities, backgrounds and experiences.
Staff interested in serving in this position are encouraged to discuss their nomination with their Head of Department or Dean of Faculty to understand the role and commitment required.
Nominees should complete the Nomination Form (see link above). Please also provide a photograph that you would be comfortable being used for election purposes. Please note the requirement to have a proposer who is a member of Senate and a seconder.
Completed Nominations Forms and photographs should reach Angela Potter via email (angela.potter@lancaster.ac.uk), no later than 17:00 on Monday 17 March 2025.
Eligibility to stand will be confirmed with People and Organisational Effectiveness if required. An election will be held for each Faculty where academic members of staff can vote. The closing date for the ballot will be 17:00 on Wednesday 16 April 2025, with election candidates informed of the outcome prior to an announcement of the successful candidates on the staff intranet.
For further information, please contact Lucy Sanderson, Governance Officer: l.sanderson2@lancaster.ac.uk or via Teams.
The successful candidates’ first meeting of Senate would be in September 2025 with an induction provided beforehand.