Students talking

Research Events

STOR-i Annual Conference

STOR-i is committed to developing and disseminating research of direct relevance to industry and government as well as to the academic community. We hold an annual conference to showcase STOR-i’s research progress and achievement.

The Annual Conference provides an opportunity to cement co-working within STOR-i and stimulate the pooling of ideas and the discussion of research opportunities within targeted areas. The annual conference is open to our industrial partners, to visiting PhD students, and to our external advisers.

STOR-i Annual Conference 2025

The next STOR-i Annual Conference will be held on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th January 2025.

The STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training at Lancaster University is hosting their eleventh annual conference, with talks from key researchers from Statistics, Operational Research and Industry. The event will take place in the LICA Building, on the Lancaster University campus.

Click below for further information on the itinerary and speakers. You will also find a full list of the abstracts and titles linked below the programme schedule.

Day 1 - 9th January 2025 - LICA Building

Conference Talks:

09:30 - Registration and refreshments in LICA foyer.

10:00 - Dries Goossens – Ghent University

10:45 - Jamie-Leigh Chapman – STOR-i Alumni

11:15 - Maria Paola Scaparra – University of Kent

12:00 - Lunch

13:00 - Dootika Vats – IIT Kanpur

13:45 - Kes Ward – STOR-i Impact Fellow

14:00 - Connie Trojan – STOR-i PhD student

14:15 - Refreshment break

14:45 - Belen Martin-Barragan – University of Edinburgh

15:30 - Paul Sharkey – STOR-i Alumni

16:00 - Manuel López-Ibáñez – University of Manchester

16:45 - Talks finish

Evening Poster Session:

18:30-21:00 - Poster Session and refreshments in LICA Foyer

Day 2 - 10th January 2025 - LICA Building

Conference Talks:

09:30 - Eleni Matechou – University of Kent

10:15 - Robert Lambert – STOR-i PhD student

10:30 - Danielle Notice – STOR-i PhD student

10:45 - Refreshment break

11:15 - Ed Mellor – STOR-i PhD Impact Fellow

11:30 - Francesca Panero – Sapienza University

12:15 - Lunch

13:30 - Close

Conference Titles and Abstracts - 2025

Previous STOR-i Conferences

You can find a list of the previous annual conferences below and links to further details for each:

Previous Conferences Accordion accordion

Research Workshops

STOR-i host a mixture of two different types of research workshops:

  • Specialist workshops in methodological developments in Statistics and Operational Research and their interface
  • Themed specialist knowledge exchange workshops on hot topics

Both types have a range of invited academic and industrial participants. These workshops contribute to the vibrancy of the research environment at Lancaster in Statistics and Operational Research. They provide an excellent opportunity to keep up-to-date with current internationally-leading research and to instigate collaborations with external academics and new industrial partners. The workshops are targeted at:

  • Academic specialists
  • STOR-i PhD students in cognate areas
  • Other Lancaster University PhD students
  • Statistic and OR PhD students from other UK universities
  • Industry researchers and users

Past Workshops

This is a list of all the previous research workshops that have taken place in STOR-i.

Past Workshops Accordion accordion

Research Seminars

Attending research seminars is a fundamental part of life as an academic researcher. They provide:

  • an opportunity for you to stay in touch with recent and cutting-edge research;
  • a platform for showcasing your research;
  • a chance to meet and collaborate with like-minded researchers.

STOR-i Seminar Series

Seminars in this series are chosen because they are of specific interest to students on the STOR-i programme. If you are a STOR-i student you are strongly encouraged to attend seminars in this series.

For details of both past and upcoming STOR-i seminars see the Events Archive and Events page.

STOR-i Forum

A series of informal weekly talks from STOR-i and STOR-i associated PhD students. These sessions are intended to inform other students and staff about current research projects at STOR-i.

Girl reading

Further Seminars and Forums

See more events from associated departments and research centres.

Below you can find links to various seminar series:

Here you can find event listings for the School of Mathematical Sciences seminar series (both Statistics and Pure Mathematics) and talks and lectures from visiting researchers from universities across the world:

Talks, Lectures and Seminars in Mathematical Sciences

Here you can find upcoming seminars in the Management Science Department, including talks from visitors, staff and postgraduates:

Events and Seminars in the Management Science Department