Professor Kevin Glazebrook

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests

My research centres on questions concerning how complex random systems should be optimally controlled. This work ranges from theoretical analyses of novel methodologies through to more applied work, focussing on practical applications. Application areas of current interest include:

  • The optimal management of networks of inventories (eg, retail outlets);
  • How manufacturing companies should manage the outsourcing of warranty repair work;
  • How customers should be routed for service in complex service systems.
  • Cargo revenue management
  • The optimal processing of intelligence information
  • The optimal deployment of resources for defensive surveillance

I am always keen to welcome new PhD students.

Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling

  • Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
  • DSI - Foundations
  • Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research
  • Optimisation
  • Simulation and Stochastic Modelling
  • STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training