My name is Theo Crookes. I am currently a PhD student studying at STOR-i (Statistics and Operational Research with Industry) CDT.
Previously, I studied my MMath at the University of Bath, with my Master’s project specializing in probability theory (accessibility percolation). More info about my Master’s project and the project itself can be found here.
I recently completed my MRes at STOR-i; this was a great learning experience and provided me with skills useful for studying a PhD.
In my spare time I play chess. With white I play the English Opening and with black I play the French Defense. I am starting to play the King’s Gambit, as it is more exciting than the English! If you want to play with me, contact me!
I can play the flute, a performance of ‘Allegro Malinconico’, the 1st Movement of Poulenc’s Sonata for Flute and Piano can be found below:
I was a member of the University of Bath’s Orchestra. During a Winter Concert in 2018 the orchestra performed the 3rd Movement of Tchaikovsky’s 6th Symphony, a recording of this can be found here.
This is known as Plaskett’s puzzle, an incredible endgame study by the Dutch endgame composer Gijs van Breukelen where it is white to play and win the game.
I did not solve this and the puzzle is ever so slightly flawed, but the solution is very entertaining nonetheless. If you would like to see the solution then contact me or check out this Wikipedia page on the puzzle.