Dealing with Imputation Uncertainty
This post tackles a popular method that helps you understand the amount of variability you have introduced to your analysis through replacing missing data with estimated values.
What to do with missing data?
In this post I’m going to describe some simple ways of dealing with missing data and discuss some of their strengths and flaws.
Missing Data: Introducing the Missingness Mechanism
Often when we collect data, some is missing. What do we do? This post is going to cover an important question: what is causing the data to be missing?
Why statistics?
This a personal post on what I think statistics is, why I was drawn to study it, and why it’s basically a super awesome cool subject everyone should know more about.
Extreme value theory: predicting the ultra rare
Extreme value theory is a really exciting — and kind of astonishing — area of statistics. This is because it can tell us about the probability of events happening that are so rare…