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Owen Li

STOR-i PhD Student

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Dive into the world of Changepoints ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Image credit:ย In this blog post, I will discuss a very popular area (particularly at Lancaster University) in statistics called Changepoints Analysis. Changepoint analysis has been an important field of study, with publications dating all the way back to the 1950’s.ย The applications of changepoint analysis can be found in many areas such as medicine and […]

Back to basics: A ‘New’ Way of Solving Quadratics

Happy ฯ€-day! To celebrate, let’s go all the way back to GCSE maths where we just little baby kids, most likely annoying (at least I was), learning about quadratic equations. Say we want to solve the following quadratic: Solving this just means we want to find the values of x which makes the entire equation equal […]

Extreme Value Theory: Looking for the unusual

Whether we’re famous statisticians or just regular people, we look towards the majority. We even have terms for this, like groupthink. Traditionally, statisticians take data and focus their analysis on the majority of the data. But what if we didn’t want to look at the majority? What if we wanted to focus on the extremes […]

Stochastic Optimisation ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿญ

Introduction Welcome to my first official blog post! There are lots of interesting topics in statistics and operational research and it’s hard to pick one to talk about but I am going to start with uncertainty, particularly uncertainty in decision making. There’s one thing for certain: uncertainty is everywhere. Whether that’s deciding how fast a […]

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