Author: Matthew Darlington

Second term at STOR-i

This will be my last blog post to wrap up the first two terms of my mRes year at STOR-i. My second term at Lancaster has been an enjoyable experience where I have been able to build upon my work last term. I hope to give a brief overview to some of the things I…
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STOR-i Masterclass: Professor Peter Frazier

This week we had the last masterclass of the year given by Professor Peter Frazier from Cornell University. Due to the current uncertainty caused by the coronavirus outbreak around the world, unfortunately Peter was not able to visit Lancaster in person. However, making the most of the situation we instead were able to still interact…
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STOR-i Masterclass: Professor Laura Albert

This weeks masterclass was given by Professor Laura Albert from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She specialises in public sector operations research and gave us an introduction into some of the work she has done. Public sector operational research looks at how we can use OR to help make better decisions for services such as ambulances, fire…
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STOR-i Masterclass: Professor Brendan Murphy

Last week we had the first of this years STOR-i masterclasses given by Professor Brendan Murphy from University College Dublin. He introduced us to model-based clustering and classification. I hope to give a brief insight into his interesting talks over the two days. The goal of clustering analysis is to place objects into groups that…
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Stochastic Dynamic Optimization

In the second term of the MRes we have been tasked to write two research topics based on talks we were given just after Christmas. I chose to write my first shorter report on stochastic dynamic optimization. I hope to explain a little about what I looked into, and what my report was about… Queuing…
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Random Graphs

A graph is a pair \( G = (V, E) \) where \(V\) is a set of whose elements represent the verticies of the graph and \(E\) is a set of pairs of vertices that represent the edges of the graph. This is better explained with an example: Here we have \(V = \{1,2,3,4\} \)…
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Over Christmas I was set the task of writing a report about something that interested my during my first term of the MRes. I chose to look into something called Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC). This sounds like a mouthful but once broken down isn’t too scary. I will start off by giving a…
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STOR-i Conference 2020

Last week I got to start off the new year at Lancaster by attending the annual STOR-i conference. I was able to sit through a day and a half of talks from academics coming from around the UK as well as Europe and America.  My first blog will be about my favourite talk from this…
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First term at STOR-i

In September 2019 I began a new chapter of my life starting at STOR-i in Lancaster. Over the summer I had worked as an intern in the department and was given the opportunity to become part of the new mRes cohort. The term started off with a couple days away up in the lake district…
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