Konigsberg bridge problem and the evolution of Mathematics
Well, In this blog I will discuss one of the problems that led to the development of new branches in mathematics like ‘Graph theory’ and ‘Topology’. Let’s dive into that interesting problem. What’s…
Anomaly detection in Functional Data
As discussed in my previous blog post, Functional data appears in various disciplines and each observation can be considered as real function of time observed at particular time points. Anomaly detection can be…
Anomaly detection
As we had an overview of one of the unsupervised learning method, K-means Clustering, in my previous blog post, this post will introduce you to an another unsupervised learning method called Anomaly Detection.…
K-Means Clustering
In my previous blog, I introduced Supervised and Unsupervised learning methods. We will learn about one of the unsupervised learning methods called Clustering in this blog. Clustering involves dividing a population or set…
Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Learning
As the world is getting ‘smarter’ every day, most of the world is moving towards Machine learning and artificial intelligence to keep up with the expectations. Statistical machine learning encompasses automatic learning and…
My First term in STOR-i
Despite all the anticipation, dreaming and planning after getting selected for your dream course, at times the reality hits you hard. My first term experience as a STOR-i MRes student was quite daunting.…