I am currently completing my thesis “Staff Allocation in Mail Centres” at Lancaster University, under the supervision of Dr Anna-Lena Sachs, Dr Jamie Fairbrother, and Prof John Boylan. This is a broad area, covering topics such as network flow models, stochastic optimisation, and mixed-integer programming. In particular, I am interested in applying stochastic optimisation models (for example, two-stage stochastic programming models and chance-constrained models) to network flow problems.

I have previously been involved in other areas, such as:

  • Criminal justice – During my time working for the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, I was predominantly focused on analysing crime data to evaluate government programs to reduce crime, and examine trends in sentencing outcomes. The majority of my research is available on the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research website (see my own publications page for specific links).
  • Sports – My honours project during my undergraduate degree was based around the optimal bidding strategy for cricket players in the Indian Premier League player auction. This project includes aspects of Stochastic Dynamic Programming , Auction Theory and Regression. A copy of my final thesis can be found here