PhD Student @ STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Lancaster University
My PhD project investigates ‘extreme value methods for protecting and maintaining critical infrastructure from natural hazards.’ This is supervised by Prof. Jonathan Tawn and is in collaboration with the natural hazards R&D team at EDF Energy, there I am supervised by Dr Dafni Sifnioti.
Currently, I am focussing on extreme sea level estimation along the UK coastline. We are concerned with improving return level estimates by accounting for seasonality in the components of sea levels. These estimates are useful for coastal flood defence design to protect coastline communities from the increasing risk of extreme sea levels.
RSS William Guy Lecturer 2023/24
The RSS William Guy Lecturers are prestigious volunteer roles intended to celebrate the importance of engaging with schools and inspiring children about statistics from an early age. I have been selected as a Guy lecturer for sixth form students for the 23/24 academic year.
My lecture is titled ‘How can statistics protect us against extreme sea levels resulting from climate change?’ Using my sea level model as an example, I present some of the statistical techniques I use that stem from topics covered at school, including linear regression, correlation and statistical distributions. I discuss the importance of statistically modelling extreme events and demonstrate how this is fundamental in our fight against climate change, to highlight the significance of statistical research in the real world.
TakeAIM Winner 2023
Established in 2011, the Smith Institute’s annual TakeAIM competition is an opportunity for university students to showcase their work on the industrial stage. TakeAIM’s goal is to highlight the crucial role mathematics plays in solving real-world problems while rewarding the academic exploration of future innovators who undertake pioneering research.

“A career highlight to present my research at the Science Museum in London after winning the TakeAIM prize. I feel extremely honoured to win this award and I am so grateful to all of the judges for choosing me. For my research on extreme sea level estimation to reach this audience and have even a small impact is more than I could have ever imagined! Huge thanks to my supervisors Jon Tawn and Dafni Sifnioti for your continued support.”

STEM for Britain Finalist 2022

In March 2022, I attended the STEM for Britain final at the Houses of Parliament, where I presented my research on Extreme Sea Level Estimation. My work was selected from hundreds of applications from early career researchers and was shortlisted for the final. I had the honour of showing my work to politicians and a panel of expert judges.