Satellite-Transition MAS NMR of Low-γ Nuclei at Natural Abundance: Sensitivity, Practical Implementation and Application to 39K (I = 3/2) and 25Mg (I = 5/2)

Satellite-transition magic angle spinning (STMAS) is a recently introduced technique for recording high-resolution NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. We present numerical calculations of STMAS signal intensity as a function of radiofrequency field strength (ν1) and spinning rate (νR) and show that the sensitivity advantage of STMAS over the older multiple-quantum technique (MQMAS) is greatest for low ν1 field strengths and high νR rates, making STMAS particularly suitable for the study of low-γ nuclei. The practical implementation of STMAS in NMR of low-&gamma nuclei is discussed and several experimental examples of high-resolution 39K (I = 3/2) and 25Mg (I = 5/2) NMR spectra are presented, including 25Mg spectra of brucite (Mg(OH)2), diopside (CaMgSi2O6) and talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) recorded at the natural 25Mg abundance of 10%.