1 Welcome to the Unix System at Lancaster (
1.1 What this document tells you
1.2 What is the point of the Unix systems
1.3 Primer on the concepts involved
1.4 About this document
1.5 About the author
1.6 Acknowledgements
2 User Accounts
2.1 What? Why? What can it do?
2.2 Home directories (∼)
2.3 Details
2.4 groups
2.5 Passwords and why they matter
2.6 Finding out other peoples usernames
2.7 Seeing who else is logged on and what they’re doing
2.8 Finding out who’s been logging in when
3 Getting Help
3.1 man
3.2 info
3.3 apropos
3.4 whatis
3.5 -help (dash help) and –help (dash dash help)
3.6 The Library
3.7 Google / Linux
3.8 LuBBs (
4 File Management
4.1 Configuration files
4.2 Basic Commands
4.2.1 Your current directory
4.2.2 Finding out what files there are
4.2.3 Viewing a file
4.2.4 Copying a file
4.2.5 Moving or Renaming a file
4.2.6 Deleting a file
4.2.7 Finding out how big a file is
4.2.8 Concatenating files
4.3 Directories
4.3.1 Making new directories
4.3.2 Removing Directories
4.3.3 Changing directory
4.3.4 Copying and moving with relation to directories
4.4 Finding files
4.5 Paths, relative and absolute
4.5.1 Absolute paths
4.5.2 Relative paths
4.5.3 What can be done with ∼
4.6 tar and tarfiles
4.7 gzip/gunzip
4.8 Permissions
4.9 Quota
4.10 H: Drive
4.11 Moving files to and from the Unix systems from off campus
4.12 scratch ($scratch)
4.13 webspace ($WWWHOME)
4.14 mailspace ($MAILHOME)
4.15 Dealing with awkward files
5 Editing Text
5.1 why is this important?
5.2 vi and vim http://hedgehog:8080/help/vi.html
5.3 emacs http://hedgehog:8080/help/emacs.html
5.4 pico http://hedgehog:8080/help/pico.html
5.5 ue (Lancaster Version) http://hedgehog:8080/help/
5.6 Line Counting (wc)
5.7 spell checking (ispell)
6 Prompts and Shells
6.1 What is a shell?
6.2 Name completion
6.3 Environment variables
6.3.1 Changing environment variables
6.3.2 Using environment variables inside setenv
6.4 What is a terminal?
6.4.1 Changing your terminal
6.5 Prompts
6.5.1 Using the output of other commands in your prompt
6.6 What happens when you log in
6.7 What happens when you log out
6.8 running programs
6.8.1 Working out where programs are
6.9 useful things your shell can do:
6.9.1 alias
6.9.2 Running multiple programs one after the other
6.9.3 clear and redrawing
6.9.4 reset
6.9.5 mesg
6.9.6 MOTD
6.10 Gotchas
6.10.1 Backspaces
6.10.2 Changing the size of your terminal
6.10.3 Suspend and Resume
6.10.4 “There are suspended jobs.”
7 Processes
7.1 What is a process
7.2 Running multiple jobs
7.3 Kill
7.4 ps
7.5 top
8 Email and Unix
8.1 A general overview of email under Unix
8.2 Forwarding Email
8.3 Mail User Agent
8.3.1 mutt
8.3.2 pine
8.4 fetchmail
8.5 procmail, your MDA
9 The Net and Unix
9.1 Browsing the web
9.2 Downloading files
9.3 Querying DNS (Domain Name System)
9.4 Seeing network activity on the host
9.5 Seeing if another machine is running
9.6 Logging into remote machines
9.7 Copying files from remote machines
10 Plumbing
10.1 pipes
10.2 redirects
10.2.1 Appending with redirects
10.2.2 Redirecting input
10.3 Embedding commands in other commands
11 Shell scripting and more useful commands
11.1 More useful commands
11.1.1 awk
11.1.2 tac
11.1.3 grep
11.1.4 head/tail
11.1.5 wc
11.1.6 bc
11.1.7 sed
11.1.8 tr
11.1.9 sort
11.1.10 date
11.1.11 diff
11.1.12 tee
11.1.13 md5sum
11.1.14 xargs
11.1.15 split
11.1.16 time
11.1.17 uniq
11.1.18 join
12 Other useful commands and information
12.1 Changing user accounts
12.2 Finding out about your local Unix system
12.3 Links, symbolic and hard
12.3.1 Symbolic Links
12.3.2 Hard Links
12.4 screen
12.5 talk and write
12.6 Looking at binary files
12.7 Scheduling commands to run later
12.7.1 cron
12.7.2 at
13 Localised Advice
13.1 homegrown
13.2 Changing your account details and forgetting your password
13.3 Password Synchronisation
13.4 procmail and the config moving monster
13.5 scratch
13.6 Process slaying
13.7 Getting to central files
13.8 ∼clinch
13.9 Printing from Unix
13.10 Printer Budget
13.11 LuBBs (
13.12 Changing your shell
13.13 Contacting the Unix Sysadmins
14 Sample configuration files
15 Quick Reference
16 GNU Free Documentation License