I'm Emeritus Professor of Management Science in Lancaster University Management School, where I worked for over 30 years. These pages tell you about my research interests, about books I've written and a give a little personal information. I also have an official web page maintained by Lancaster University.
You can download a more or less up to date copy of my CV, where you'll see that I've served as Head of the Department of Management Science at Lancaster and as Research Dean in the Management School. Externally I've been President of the Operational Research Society, I am a Companion of Operational Research, a Fellow of the British Academy of Management, an a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and chaired the Committee of Professors in OR
I chaired the 2008 RAE panel for Business & Management Studies and the Business & Management Studies panel in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). I've been a Visiting Professor at Monash University, Melbourne and at Victoria University, Wellington. I was a member of the Board of the Centre for Workforce Intelligence for some years and, until recently, was a member of the Home Office Scientific Advisory Council.
I'm very happy to be known as a Christian, which I see as wholly compatible with my academic work. If you suspect that Christians don't use their brains or have no sense of humour, take a look at Ship of Fools, which may change your mind.
I've retired from paid employment at the university, so am now a Professor Emeritus. I still use this email address, but there may be a delay if you contact me.
Department of Management Science
Lancaster University Management School
Lancaster LA1 4YX
phone: +44 (0) 1524 593870
fax: +44 (0)1524 844885
e-mail: m.pidd(AT)lancaster.ac.uk
Revised October 2021