This directory contains examples of representations and implementations of algorithms discussed in Representing Musical Time: A Temporal-Logic Approach. At present it is incomplete. If you wish to be notified when it is complete, please send e-mail to
1. Union of point relations
2. Intersection of point relations
3. Transition of point relations
4. Translation of a symbolic period relation to Allen notation
5. Translation of an Allen period relation to symbolic notation
6. Translation of a point-notation period relation to Allen notation
7. Translation of an Allen period relation to point notation
8. Translation of an Allen period relation to a set of point notations
9. Validity of a symbolic notation for a period relation
10. Validity of a point notation for a period relation
11. Union of period relations
12. Intersection of period relations
13. Transition of period relations
14. Permutation of a table representation (swapping)
15. Permutation of a table representation (moving)
16. Normalisation of a table representation
17. Partial normalisation of a table of event relations
18. Full normalisation of a table of event relations
19. Constraint-propagation in a table representation
20. Constraint-propagation from determinate relations
21. Complete constraint-propagation in a table of point relations
22. Complete constraint-propagation in a table of period relations
23. Constraint-propagation in a table of event relations
24. Relaxation- or constraint-propagation in a table representation
25. Finding immediate precedence in a table of event relations
26. Conversion of a table of event relations to a table of period relations
27. Determining the relation between two events in a graph representation
28. Pruning a graph representation
29. Conversion of a table of event relations to a graph representation
30. Conversion of a graph representation to a table of event relations
31. Determining the relation between two events in a simple sequence
32. Determining the relation between two events in a nested-branching
sequence representation
33. Determining the relation between two events in a nested-branching tree
34. Conversion of a nested-branching representation to a minimal event
35. Conversion of a metrical event representation to a beat/event representation
36. Conversion of a beat/event representation to a metrical event representation
37. Conversion of a graph representation to a nested-branching sequence
38. Conversion of a nested-branching sequence representation to a graph
39. Determining the duration of a beat or subdivision event
40. Determining the delay of a beat or subdivision event
41. Comparing two metrical quantities
42. Addition of two metrical quantities
43. Realisation of a table of indeterminate point relations
44. Realisation of a table of indeterminate period relations
45. Realisation of a table of indeterminate period relations avoiding coinciding pitches
46. Realisation of a table of event relations
47. Realisation of a graph
48. Realisation of a nested-branching sequence
49. Realisation of a symbolic music-notation representation
Definition of operators in a structural representation: intermediate level
Definition of operators in a structural representation: structural level
50. Delay of an event in a structural representation