import PhotoScan import random import math import csv import os NaN = float('NaN') # For use with PhotoScan Pro v.1.4, with projects saved as .psz archives. # # Python script associated with James et al (2017) - # 3-D uncertainty-based topographic change detection with structure-from-motion photogrammetry: # precision maps for ground control and directly georeferenced surveys, Earth Surf. Proc. Landforms # # This script uses a Monte Carlo approach to enable precision estimates to be made for # the coordinates of sparse points and camera parameters. Output files from the script can # be processed using sfm_georef ( and also provide variance- # covariance information. Designed for use on projects containing a single chunk, with all photos # taken with the same camera. # # Precision estimates are made by carrying out repeated bundle adjustments ('optimisations' in PhotoScan) # with different pseudo-random offsets applied to the image observations and the control measurements for each. # The offsets are taken from normal distributions with standard deviations representative of the appropriate # measurement precision within the survey, as given by the following PhotoScan settings: # Image coordinates: # 'Tie point accuracy' - defines the image measurement precision for tie points (in pixels) # 'Marker accuracy' (or 'Projection accuracy' in older versions) - defines the image measurement precision for markers (in pixels) # Measurement accuracy (i.e. survey precision of control measurements) # 'Camera accuracy' - defines precision of known camera positions (can be set individually for each photo) # 'Marker accuracy' - defines precision of ground control points positions (can be set individually for each marker) # # Estimated point precisions will not be correct unless the values of these settings have been appropriately # set within PhotoScan (e.g. 'tie point accuracy' should be set to the actual precision of the measurements # as given by the RMS reprojection error in pixels - see James et al. 2017; doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.11.021). # Note that use of camera angles or scalebars as control measurements have not been implemented in the script. The # script has only been used with Local or Projected coordinate systems (i.e. not with a GCS system). # # Author: Mike James, Lancaster University, U.K. # Contact: m.james at # Updates: Check # # Tested and used in PhotoScan Pro v.1.4, with projects saved as .psz archives. # 15/03/18 Added scalebars into the analysis # 29/01/18 Removed fit_shutter for compatibility with v.1.4 # 28/01/18 Added export of initial sparse point cloud ('sparse_pts_reference.ply') for use as a reference in sfm_georef. # 28/05/17 Fixed bug in calculation of observation distances, which only affected global relative precision estimates (ratios) made in sfm_georef. # 25/02/17 Updated the camera parameter optimisation options to exploit the greater flexibility now offered. # 25/02/17 Added a required test for non-None marker locations (PhotoScan now sets them to none if unselected). # 25/02/17 Multiple name changes to accommodate PhotoScan updates of chunk accuracy attributes (e.g. tie_point_accuracy). # 25/02/17 Multiple changes to export function parameters to accommodate PhotoScan updates. ######################################################################################## ###################################### SETUP ###################################### ######################################################################################## # Update the parameters below to tailor the script to your project. # Directory where output will be stored and active control file is saved. # Note use of '/' in the path (not '\'); end the path with '/' # The files will be generated in a sub-folder named "Monte_Carlo_output" # Change the path to the one you want, but there's no need to change act_ctrl_file. dir_path = 'D:/Test/' act_ctrl_file = 'active_ctrl_indices.txt' # Define how many times bundle adjustment (PhotoScan 'optimisation') will be carried out. # 4000 used in original work, as a reasonable starting point. num_randomisations = 1 # Define the camera parameter set to optimise in the bundle adjustment. # v.1.3 of PhotoScan enables individual selection/deselection of all parameters. # Note - b1 was previously 'aspect ratio' (i.e. the difference between fx and fy) # b2 was previously 'skew' optimise_f=True optimise_cx=True optimise_cy=True optimise_b1=False optimise_b2=False optimise_k1=True optimise_k2=True optimise_k3=True optimise_k4=False optimise_p1=False optimise_p2=False optimise_p3=False optimise_p4=False # Points are exported as floats in binary ply files for speed and size, and thus cannot represent very small changes # in large geographic coordinates. Thus, the offset below can be set to form a local origin and ensure numerical # precision is not lost when coordinates are saved as floats. The offset will be subtracted from point coordinates. # [RECOMMENDED] - Leave as NaN; the script will automatically calculate and apply a suitable offset, which will be saved # as a text file for further processing, OR edit the line to impose a specific offset of your choice - # e.g. pts_offset = PhotoScan.Vector( [266000, 4702000, 0] ) pts_offset = PhotoScan.Vector( [NaN, NaN, NaN] ) ################################### END OF SETUP ################################### ######################################################################################## # Initialisation chunk = point_proj = chunk.point_cloud.projections # Need CoordinateSystem object, but PS only returns 'None' if an arbitrary coordinate system is being used # thus need to set manually in this case; otherwise use the Chunk coordinate system. if == None: crs = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem('LOCAL_CS["Local CS",LOCAL_DATUM["Local Datum",0],UNIT["metre",1]]') = crs else: crs = # Find which markers are enabled for use as control points in the bundle adjustment act_marker_flags = [] for marker in chunk.markers: act_marker_flags.append(marker.reference.enabled) num_act_markers = sum(act_marker_flags) # Write the active marker flags to a text file - one line per BA iteration # This is actually relict code and not strictly needed. with open(dir_path + act_ctrl_file, 'w') as f: fwriter = csv.writer(f, delimiter=' ', lineterminator='\n') for line_ID in range(0, num_randomisations): fwriter.writerow( [int(elem) for elem in act_marker_flags] ) f.close() # Find which camera orientations are enabled for use as control in the bundle adjustment act_cam_orient_flags = [] for cam in chunk.cameras: act_cam_orient_flags.append(cam.reference.enabled) num_act_cam_orients = sum(act_cam_orient_flags) # Reset the random seed, so that all equivalent runs of this script are started identically random.seed(1) # Carry out an initial bundle adjustment to ensure that everything subsequent has a consistent reference starting point. chunk.optimizeCameras(fit_f=optimise_f, fit_cx=optimise_cx, fit_cy=optimise_cy, fit_b1=optimise_b1, fit_b2=optimise_b2, fit_k1=optimise_k1, fit_k2=optimise_k2, fit_k3=optimise_k3, fit_k4=optimise_k4, fit_p1=optimise_p1, fit_p2=optimise_p2, fit_p3=optimise_p3, fit_p4=optimise_p4) # If required, calculate the mean point coordinate to use as an offset if math.isnan(pts_offset[0]): points = chunk.point_cloud.points npoints = 0 pts_offset = PhotoScan.Vector( [0, 0, 0] ) for point in points: if not point.valid: continue npoints += 1 pts_offset[0] += point.coord[0] pts_offset[1] += point.coord[1] pts_offset[2] += point.coord[2] pts_offset = crs.project(chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(pts_offset/npoints)) pts_offset[0] = round(pts_offset[0], -2) pts_offset[1] = round(pts_offset[1], -2) pts_offset[2] = round(pts_offset[2], -2) # Save the used offset to text file with open(dir_path + '_coordinate_local_origin.txt', "w") as f: fwriter = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel-tab', lineterminator='\n') fwriter.writerow( pts_offset ) f.close() # Export a text file of observation distances and ground dimensions of pixels from which relative precisions can be calculated # File will have one row for each observation, and three columns: # cameraID ground pixel dimension (m) observation distance (m) points = chunk.point_cloud.points npoints = len(points) camera_index = 0 with open(dir_path + '_observation_distances.txt', "w") as f: fwriter = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel-tab', lineterminator='\n') for camera in chunk.cameras: camera_index += 1 if not camera.transform: continue # Accommodate change in attribute name in v.1.2.5 try: fx = camera.sensor.calibration.fx except AttributeError: fx = camera.sensor.calibration.f point_index = 0 for proj in chunk.point_cloud.projections[camera]: track_id = proj.track_id while point_index < npoints and points[point_index].track_id < track_id: point_index += 1 if point_index < npoints and points[point_index].track_id == track_id: if not points[point_index].valid: continue dist = (chunk.transform.matrix.mulp( - chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(PhotoScan.Vector( [points[point_index].coord[0], points[point_index].coord[1], points[point_index].coord[2]]))).norm() fwriter.writerow( [camera_index, '{0:.4f}'.format(dist/fx), '{0:.2f}'.format(dist)] ) f.close() # Export a text file with the coordinate system with open(dir_path + '_coordinate_system.txt', "w") as f: fwriter = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel-tab', lineterminator='\n') fwriter.writerow( [crs] ) f.close() # Make a copy of the chunk to use as a zero-error reference chunk original_chunk = chunk.copy() # Set the original_marker locations be zero error, from which we can add simulated error for original_marker in original_chunk.markers: if original_marker.position is not None: original_marker.reference.location = crs.project(original_chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(original_marker.position)) # Set the original_marker and point projections to be zero error, from which we can add simulated error original_points = original_chunk.point_cloud.points original_point_proj = original_chunk.point_cloud.projections npoints = len(original_points) for camera in original_chunk.cameras: if not camera.transform: continue point_index = 0 for original_proj in original_point_proj[camera]: track_id = original_proj.track_id while point_index < npoints and original_points[point_index].track_id < track_id: point_index += 1 if point_index < npoints and original_points[point_index].track_id == track_id: if not original_points[point_index].valid: continue original_proj.coord = camera.project(original_points[point_index].coord) # Set the original marker points be zero error, from which we can add simulated error # Note, need to set from chunk because original_marker.position will be continuously updated for markerIDx, original_marker in enumerate(original_chunk.markers): if (not original_marker.projections[camera]) or (not chunk.markers[markerIDx].position): continue original_marker.projections[camera].coord = camera.project(chunk.markers[markerIDx].position) # Export this 'zero error' marker data to file original_chunk.exportMarkers(dir_path + 'referenceMarkers.xml') # Derive x and y components for image measurement precisions tie_proj_x_stdev = chunk.tiepoint_accuracy / math.sqrt(2) tie_proj_y_stdev = chunk.tiepoint_accuracy / math.sqrt(2) marker_proj_x_stdev = chunk.marker_projection_accuracy / math.sqrt(2) marker_proj_y_stdev = chunk.marker_projection_accuracy / math.sqrt(2) # Carry out an adjustment with a fixed camera to define a benchmark set of sparse points for later comparison. # Ideally, this should be the same as the sparse points in the zero-error chunk, but there do seem to be some differences. # Make a copy of the zero-error reference chunk to run the adjustment on temp_chunk = original_chunk.copy() # Carry out a bundle adjustment with a fixed camera model. temp_chunk.optimizeCameras(fit_f=False, fit_cx=False, fit_cy=False, fit_b1=False, fit_b2=False, fit_k1=False, fit_k2=False, fit_k3=False, fit_k4=False, fit_p1=False, fit_p2=False, fit_p3=False, fit_p4=False) # Export the sparse point cloud temp_chunk.exportPoints(dir_path + 'sparse_pts_reference.ply', normals=False, colors=False, format=PhotoScan.PointsFormatPLY, projection=crs, shift=pts_offset) # Delete this chunk[temp_chunk]) # Counter for the number of bundle adjustments carried out, to prepend to files file_idx = 1 = chunk # Make the ouput directory if it doesn't exist dir_path = dir_path + 'Monte_Carlo_output/' os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) ######################################################################################## # Main set of nested loops which control the repeated bundle adjustment for line_ID in range(0, num_randomisations ): # Reset the camera coordinates if they are used for georeferencing if num_act_cam_orients > 0: for camIDx, cam in enumerate(chunk.cameras): if not cam.reference.accuracy: cam.reference.location = ( original_chunk.cameras[camIDx].reference.location + PhotoScan.Vector( [random.gauss(0, chunk.camera_location_accuracy[0]), random.gauss(0, chunk.camera_location_accuracy[1]), random.gauss(0, chunk.camera_location_accuracy[2])] ) ) else: cam.reference.location = ( original_chunk.cameras[camIDx].reference.location + PhotoScan.Vector( [random.gauss(0, cam.reference.accuracy[0]), random.gauss(0, cam.reference.accuracy[1]), random.gauss(0, cam.reference.accuracy[2])] ) ) # Reset the marker coordinates and add noise for markerIDx, marker in enumerate(chunk.markers): if not marker.reference.accuracy: marker.reference.location = ( original_chunk.markers[markerIDx].reference.location + PhotoScan.Vector( [random.gauss(0, chunk.marker_location_accuracy[0]), random.gauss(0, chunk.marker_location_accuracy[1]), random.gauss(0, chunk.marker_location_accuracy[2])] ) ) else: marker.reference.location = ( original_chunk.markers[markerIDx].reference.location + PhotoScan.Vector( [random.gauss(0, marker.reference.accuracy[0]), random.gauss(0, marker.reference.accuracy[1]), random.gauss(0, marker.reference.accuracy[2])] ) ) # Reset the scalebar lengths and add noise for scalebarIDx, scalebar in enumerate(chunk.scalebars): if scalebar.reference.distance: if not scalebar.reference.accuracy: scalebar.reference.distance = ( original_chunk.scalebars[scalebarIDx].reference.distance + random.gauss(0, chunk.scalebar_accuracy) ) else: scalebar.reference.distance = ( original_chunk.scalebars[scalebarIDx].reference.distance + random.gauss(0, scalebar.reference.accuracy) ) # Reset the observations (projections) and add Gaussian noise for photoIDx, camera in enumerate(chunk.cameras): original_camera = original_chunk.cameras[photoIDx] if not camera.transform: continue # Tie points (matches) matches = point_proj[camera] original_matches = original_point_proj[original_camera] for matchIDx in range(0, len(matches)): matches[matchIDx].coord = ( original_matches[matchIDx].coord + PhotoScan.Vector( [random.gauss(0, tie_proj_x_stdev), random.gauss(0, tie_proj_y_stdev)] ) ) # Markers for markerIDx, marker in enumerate(chunk.markers): if not marker.projections[camera]: continue marker.projections[camera].coord = ( original_chunk.markers[markerIDx].projections[original_camera].coord + PhotoScan.Vector([random.gauss(0, marker_proj_x_stdev), random.gauss(0, marker_proj_y_stdev)]) ) # Construct the output file names out_file = ('{0:04d}'.format(file_idx) + '_MA' + '{0:0.5f}'.format(chunk.marker_location_accuracy[0]) + '_PA' + '{0:0.5f}'.format(chunk.marker_projection_accuracy) + '_TA' + '{0:0.5f}'.format(chunk.tiepoint_accuracy)+ '_NAM' + '{0:03d}'.format(num_act_markers) + '_LID' + '{0:03d}'.format(line_ID+1) ) out_gc_file = out_file + '_GC.txt' out_cams_c_file = out_file + '_cams_c.txt' out_cam_file = out_file + '_cams.xml' print( out_gc_file ) # Bundle adjustment chunk.optimizeCameras(fit_f=optimise_f, fit_cx=optimise_cx, fit_cy=optimise_cy, fit_b1=optimise_b1, fit_b2=optimise_b2, fit_k1=optimise_k1, fit_k2=optimise_k2, fit_k3=optimise_k3, fit_k4=optimise_k4, fit_p1=optimise_p1, fit_p2=optimise_p2, fit_p3=optimise_p3, fit_p4=optimise_p4) # Export the control (catch and deal with legacy syntax) try: chunk.saveReference(dir_path + out_gc_file, PhotoScan.ReferenceFormatCSV, items=PhotoScan.ReferenceItemsMarkers,) chunk.saveReference(dir_path + out_cams_c_file, PhotoScan.ReferenceFormatCSV, items=PhotoScan.ReferenceItemsCameras) except: chunk.saveReference(dir_path + out_gc_file, 'csv') # Export the cameras chunk.exportCameras(dir_path + out_cam_file, format=PhotoScan.CamerasFormatXML, projection=crs, rotation_order=PhotoScan.RotationOrderXYZ) # Export the calibrations [NOTE - only one camera implemented in export here] for sensorIDx, sensor in enumerate(chunk.sensors): + out_file + '_cal' + '{0:01d}'.format(sensorIDx+1) + '.xml') # Export the sparse point cloud chunk.exportPoints(dir_path + out_file + '_pts.ply', normals=False, colors=False, format=PhotoScan.PointsFormatPLY, projection=crs, shift=pts_offset) # Increment the file counter file_idx = file_idx+1 #[original_chunk])