CPLSlot, V.2.4: A tool for objective correlation of stratigraphic data
Applications in geology, palaeoclimate and stratigraphy where there is a need to correlate between ordered successions of continuous or semi-continuous data. I.e. physical data (well logs etc), geochemical data (isotopes etc), fossil abundance data (pollen etc), and directional data (palaeomagnetic data with or without intensity). CPLSlot is based on and extends the concepts of sequence slotting developed by Malcolm Clark and others.
bulletWorks with text files representing the two sequences or successions to be correlated, typically in column based data formats. 
bulletUp to 20 variables from each succession is possible, along with up to 1000 data levels from each succession.
bulletThe sequence slotting algorithm uses a range of distance metrics, and scaling options appropriate to the kind of data used.
bulletBoth short-range and regression-type statistics are generated to evaluate the goodness of the correlations.
bulletThe correlations can be constrained with a wide range of correlation 'events', along with relative duration 'blocking' constraints.
bulletA wide range of correlation smoothing options, using polynomials and splines can be applied depending on the user 'correlation model' and noisiness of the data.
bulletA range of textual and graphical (data, correlation, sensitivity and H-matrix) information is generated to evaluate and interrogate the effectiveness of the slotting.
bulletSupport in provided for constructing composite successions or stacks from multiple records, and various kinds of data interpolation.
bulletExtensive help system and  many worked examples based around all the main data-types, to illustrate key concepts.
bulletCPLSlot is designed with a range of clipboard-based - data exchange functions with a spreadsheet program.
bulletAll graphical displays can be exported (and copy/pasted) in a variety of portable formats (WMF, EMF, BMP, PS, EPS) or saved to disk for later viewing. Full control over font types, and graphical elements. Some graphical elements can be edited in-situ, and new floating text added.
bulletThe sequence slotting algorithm uses that extended from Malcolm Clarks PCSLOT 1.6. 
bulletWorks under windows and is self installing software, with extensive help.

The above shows the data-entry form tab of CPLSlot, which sets up the data entry information.

The above shows the slotting form of CPLSlot which dictates the settings used for the sequence slotting.

This shows the complete CPLSlot window, with the Plot-tab options on the left (which controls the various styles for the plots), and the graphical output on the bottom right, and the textual output in the top right, generated from the sequence slotting and the analysis functions (click on image for a larger picture).

Download the software for free

 This is a fully functioning program. If you use this program in any form and material is published/reported from it, please acknowledge the use of the program.

This zip file (12 Mb in size) should be first unzipped in a temporary directory. Read the readme.txt on program initial installation, which will explain how to install the program. Clicking on setup.exe will install the program.  The installation serial number is any text you enter.

If you have a problem looking at the help file with the program when using Windows Vista or 7. Load the this update from Microsoft, which will install the missing help-file viewer.

Last Update: 4/01/2010

Atlas Software MPTS Butlers book