Peter J. Diggle
Lancaster Medical School,
Lancaster University,
LA1 4YB,
Phone: 1524-593957
email: p.diggle@lancaster.ac.uk
I play badminton (very occasonally nowadays) with Mandy, Jono and Hannah, and explore the countryside on my e-bike as often as I can.
I play guitar (folk and blues) and tenor recorder (early music for preference).
I listen to all kinds of music, but
particularly like jazz (especially Charlie Parker and John Coltrane) and Italian opera.
My boyhood hero was Stirling Moss. I still take an interest in classic cars and historic motor racing.
I enjoy cooking and eating. My favourite Lancaster restaurants include
The Bay Horse and
Quite Simply French .
My favourite authors include George Orwell and Nigel Slater.
Research interests
My main methodological research interests are in spatial statistics,
longitudinal data analysis and environmental epidemiology. Most of my research
is motivated by applications in the biomedical, clinical or health sciences.
I am particularly interested in real-time health surveillance and in tropical disease epidemiology.
Positions held
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus in CHICAS,
a teaching and research group within the Lancaster Medical School
at Lancaster University working
at the interface of statistics, epidemiology and health informatics.
Trustee for Biometrika
Founding joint editor of Biostatistics
President 2014-2016
of the Royal Statistical Society
Former chair of the UK
Medical Research Council's Skills Development Fellowships Panel
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Yale University School of Public Health
Curriculum vitae
My CV gives more details, including publications, grants, ...
Royal Statistical Society Presidential Address
The RSS has posted a video of my Presidential Address
24 June 2015
Statistics and Scientific Method: an Introduction for Students and Researchers
web-page for this text-book by
Amanda Chetwynd and Peter Diggle includes data-sets, R scripts to reproduce the analyses in the book, and a list of errata.
Course materials from my delivery of a course at AIMS Rwanda based loosely on the book can be found
One of many nice on-line resources for R is Karl Broman's
Introduction to R page.
Information about my second book on geostatistics:
Diggle, P.J. and Giorgi, E. (2019). Model-based Geostatistics: Methods and Applications
in Global Public Health. Boca Raton: CRC Press
(but note that the web-address given in the Preface is incorrect)
Information about my first book on geostatistics:
Diggle, P.J. and
Ribeiro, P.J. Jnr (2007). Model-based Geostatistics. New York: Springer
Information about my book on longitudinal data analysis:
Diggle, P.J., Heagerty, P., Liang K-Y. and Zeger,
S.L. (2002). Analysis of Longitudinal Data
(second edition). Oxford: OUP
Information about my book on spatial point patterns: Diggle, P.J. (2003).
Statistical Analysis of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns (third edition, in preparation)
Information about my book on time series analysis:
Diggle, P.J. (1990).
Time Series: a biostatistical introduction.
Oxford: OUP.
Lecture notes
PDF lecture-notes on CTM Lecture to third-year medical students
PDF lecture-notes on Longitudinal Data Analysis
(Belfast, 18 February 2015)
Lecture-material on Statistics and Scientific Method
(Leahurst, September 2012)
Course materials on Model-based Geostatistics (Malawi, 2015)
Course materials for Franqui Chair lectures on Model-based geostatistics
delivered in Hasselt, Belgium, May 2018
Instructional material on Geospatial Data in R and Beyond
by Barry Rowlingson
Powerpoint slides on Russ Lenth's sample size calculator
A model-based geostatistics teaching
app by Olatunji Johnson and colleagues
Other documents
An interactive history of graphics
with thanks to Barry Rowlingson
A Primer on Decision Making
with Uncertainty aimed at a lay audience, co-authored with Tim Gowers,
Frank Kelly and Neil Lawrence
PDF guide on Converting UK post-codes to (x,y)-coordinates
by Michelle Stanton
An analysis of the (thankfully short-lived) proposals to use
RAE Metrics in place of peer review
Some Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Tech Reports
Important information for
Bayesians who want to impress
(a rose by any other name ...)
spatial point pattern data-sets
from Diggle (2003)
longitudinal data-sets
from Diggle, Heagerty, Liang and Zeger (2002)
additional data-sets that may be of interest
Guyana LF Intervention Impact Survey
Information about spatial point pattern software
Information about geostatistical software
An R function for prevalence estimation using an imperfect test
Demos, animations
Interactive coronavirus epidemic curves by Max Eyre
COVID-19 in the English Midlands 14 to 28 June 2020.
Probability, at LSOA-level resolution, that local incidence is greater than national incidence, colour coded
from dark blue (zero) to bright yellow (one)
Malaria indicator mapping around Majete Wildlife Reserve, southern Malawi by Benjamin Amoah
Malaria prevalence mapping in Chikwawa, southern Malawi by Emanuele Giorgi
SAVSNET Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance
Network, a University of Liverpool project to which we are adding statistical analysis capability
110 years of malaria prevalence mapping in Senegal by Emanuele Giorgi
and Peter Diggle
Spatial analysis of criminal activity in Lancashire by Irene Kaimi,
Peter Diggle and Alexandre Rodrigues
Demo of spatio-temporal disease surveillance (Diggle, P.J.,
Rowlingson, B. and Su, T-L. (2005). Environmetrics, 16, 423-34)
John Snow's cholera map from the 1854 epidemic in Soho, London
(for a cleaned-up version, see page 24 of Tufte (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information)
Animation of gastro-enteric infections in Hampshire, UK, by Barry Rowlingson
Animation of common tern nesting colony in Delta D'Ebre, Spain
by Irene Kaimi, also of
first and
second of two simulated realisations of fitted model
of campylobacteriosis cases in Preston, UK, by Edith Gabriel and Barry Rowlingson
of the 2001 Foot-and-mouth epidemic in Cumbria, UK, by Barry Rowlingson
(Diggle, P.J. (2006). Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 15, 325-336)
Animation of meningits incidence in
Niger, by Barry Rowlingson
Animation of malaria prevalence in
Chikwawa, southern Malawi, by Emanuele Giorgi
Seminars and conferences
Model-Based Geostatistics for
Prevalence Mapping in Low-Resource Settings: RSS East Midlands Local Group,
February 2015.
ENAR2009 Invited Presidential Address: Statistical
Modelling for Real-time Epidemiology.
IGH Retreat, June 2012: Modelling spatio-temporal patterns of disease.
Plenary Lecture, International Biometrics Congress,
July 2020: Model-based
Geostatistics for Better Global Health.
MERIT meeting, Niamey, Niger, November 2009
The MERIT home page gives you the scientific
background, or you can look at some
photos of our post-meeting day out.
APTS: Spatial and Longitudinal Data analysis
The Academy for PhD Training in Statistics
initiative runs a series of residential
courses targeted at first-year postgraduate students who are studying for
a PhD in statistics at any UK university. For severalyears, I taught a course on
Spatial and Longitudinal Data analysis as part of this initiative. Course material available here
Preliminary notes and exercises
Lecture course slides
Assessment exercise
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