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Social Work at Lancaster

Our dedicated team are approachable, accessible, and proud of creating a friendly atmosphere where students can study

With personalised support and a valuable mix of practice and theory, see where your Social Work journey at Lancaster University could take you.

Everything you need to start a career in social work is here – inspiring lecturers, support tailored to your needs and insight into the issues impacting social work today in the UK.

Our course is accredited by Social Work England (SWE), and you’ll develop the skills and experience employers in this area need. An important part of your study will be your two practice placements. You’ll get hands-on experience within different organisations such as local authorities, Barnardo's or Age Concern.

Providing individualised support is important to us. That’s why we keep our social work cohort small. It means we can get to know you. As part of our welcoming community, you’ll always have someone to turn to for support and advice throughout your coursework and placements. We have partnerships with public, private, voluntary and independent agencies who work with us in a range of ways including teaching, curriculum design and providing practice learning placements.

Our teaching team are not just teachers. They are experienced social workers, advocates and change-makers. Some of the team carry out research, while others are practising social workers working in statutory sector services and charities.

Our team of experts contribute to national policy and practice discussions around vital areas like online child sexual abuse risk, family justice and youth resilience. We aim to inspire you to follow in our footsteps and become a part of a new generation of social workers who value human rights and social justice.

For more information about our social work degree and research, please browse our UG pages, or get in touch socialwork@lancaster.ac.uk.