Dr Luciana Mendes Barbosa
Lecturer in Sociology (Climate Change)Research Overview
I’m a human geographer whose research specializes in the politics of climate change, socio-environmental conflicts and development projects in the Global South. My research is focused on understanding the intersection between precarity, (climatic) hazards, and forms of resistance to injustices in the contemporary wave of forced displacements in urban informal settlements in Brazil. I hold a MSc in International Relations (Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC-Minas) and BA (Hons) in Geography (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG). Before joining the PhD, I worked as Governmental Affairs Manager at the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil with a focus on environmental policies.
Journal article
Resisting chronopolitics of disaster: favelas and the politics of forced displacements in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Barbosa, L., Coates, R. 30/09/2021 In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 63, 12 p.
Doctoral Thesis
“Risk areas or rich areas?”: State-led precarity and resistance to favela removal in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mendes Barbosa, L. 2021 Lancaster University. 290 p.
Accumulation by segregation and dispossession: Social housing policies and racial segregation in Brazilian cities: a case study
01/07/2024 → …
ADAPTA-Mossoró: Collaborative Asset Planning for Urban Climate Change Adaptation in Mossoró, Brazil
01/01/1900 → …
- Critical Geographies