Our Experts - Sociology

Dr Madeline-Sophie Abbas

Dr Madeline-Sophie Abbas

I am interested in working with PhD candidates whose projects relate to my research interests of racism and anti-racism, race and ethnicity/critical race and whiteness studies, including work on:

  • Islamophobia
  • Counter-terrorism, security and surveillance
  • Refugee, asylum and migration
  • Institutional racism and race equality
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Professor Michaela Benson

Professor Michaela Benson

I welcome applications from PhD students interested in working on the following themes from the sociological perspectives: Migration and citizenship; Brexit; Class; Home and housing; Urban sociology. I am particularly keen to work with students whose projects include empirical research, whether qualitative or ethnographic.

Prof Michaela Benson
Dr Stanley Blue

Dr Stanley Blue

I would be happy to work with students whose projects relate to my research interests, including work on theories of practice, time, space, rhythm, materiality, embodiment, habit, consumption, demand, mobility, energy, travel, public health, smoking, obesity, and exercise.

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Dr Anne Cronin

Professor Anne Cronin

I am available to supervise PhD projects in the areas of:

  • Advertising
  • Media and culture
  • Media and cultural theory
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Professor Joe Deville

Professor Joe Deville

I am looking to supervise students interested in the intersections between some of the following areas: economic sociology, science and technology studies, non-representational/affect theory, consumption/consumer behaviour, data proliferation/informational mobilities, digital methods, debt/credit/money, and open access publishing.

See more about my supervision interests here.

Dr Joe Deville
Dr Bulent Diken

Professor Bulent Diken

I am willing to supervise PhD projects on social and political theory, the city, the sociology of art (especially cinema), and security and terror. In the past I have supervised to completion PhD projects on urban sociology, the sociology of sense, globalization, ethics and morality, migration, cinema and critical sociology.

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Dr Deidre Duffy

Dr Deirdre Duffy

I would be interested in supervising research students within the areas below

  • Health
  • Gender and health
  • Feminism
  • Social policy
Dr Deidre Duffy
Dr Graeme Gilloch

Professor Graeme Gilloch

My main areas of research and supervisory interest are:

  • Critical theory and the Frankfurt School (especially Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer)
  • Contemporary social and cultural theory (especially continental theory)
  • Visual culture (especially film and photography)
  • Metropolitan and urban culture and theory
  • Sociology and literature
  • Autobiography, biography, history and memory
  • Holocaust studies
Web Profile
Professor Yang Hu

Professor Yang Hu

I would be happy to work with students in (the intersection of) the following areas:

(1) Families and intimate relationships;

(2) gender, ethnicity/race, and sexuality in work and employment;

(3) global mobilities and personal relationships.

I particularly welcome proposals using quantitative (including computational) methods but would be happy to consider qualitative and mixed methods as well.

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Dr Allison Hui

Dr Allison Hui

I would be happy to work with students whose projects relate to my areas of interest, including

  • Practices (practice theory, media practices, structuration, science and technology studies approaches)
  • Transforming or innovating with methodologies (decolonising, creative methods, qualitative methods, engagement-focused methods)
  • Consumption (everyday life, materiality, energy demand/sustainability)
  • Interdisciplinary projects, especially human geography space/place, migration/mobilities
  • Social/organisational leadership and transformation
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Dr Luciana Mendes Barbosa

Dr Luciana Mendes Barbosa

I would be excited to supervise PhD students (in the intersection) of the following areas:

  • Climate change and society
  • Environmental change and society
  • (Urban) political ecology
  • Socio-environmental movements and resistance
  • Environmental Justice
  • The Anthropocene
  • Housing
  • Informal settlements
  • Socioenvironmental conflicts in the Global South
  • Critical geographies of disaster
  • Vulnerability and precarity
Dr Luciana Mendes Barbosa
Catherine Oliver

Dr Catherine Oliver

I would be excited to supervise students with prospective projects in any of my research areas, which include:

  • Climate change and society
  • Environmental change and society
  • More-than-human/multispecies/the non-human
  • Animal studies/animal sociology/animal geography
  • (Urban) political ecology
  • Veganism, vegan studies, animal activism
  • Environmental activism
  • Historical sociology
  • The Anthropocene
  • Avian geography/sociology
Catherine Oliver
Dr Kumud Rana

Dr Kumud Rana

I am interested in working with students in any area of

  • gender studies
  • queer studies
  • social movements
  • international development
  • globalisation
  • postcolonial studies
  • decoloniality
Dr Kumud Rana
Professor Elizabeth Shove

Professor Elizabeth Shove

Research students welcome on topics relating to social theories of practice; infrastructures and institutions of everyday consumption, climate change and issues of energy and water demand; design, materiality, technology studies and research policy.

Web Profile
Professor Edward Simpson

Professor Edward Simpson

I welcome applications from PhD students interested in:

  • Climate change

  • Infrastructure

  • South Asia

  • Knowledge politics

Web profile
Dr Aaron Winter

Dr Aaron Winter

I am interested in supervisIng PhD students whose projects relate to my research interests, including racism and anti-racism, race and class, the far right, fascism, populism, hate crime, extremism/counterextremism and terrorism/counterterrorism.

Aaron Winter