Dr Eva Cheuk Yin Li

Lecturer in Sociology (Media and Cultural Studies Team)


(During the Lent and Summer terms of 2025, I am on Academic and Educational Research Leave and will spend this time as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. My visit is generously funded by the National Central Library of Taiwan.)

I am a global media researcher interested in exploring culture through the lenses of fandom, gender/sexuality, and digital media. My research focuses on two interconnected areas: (1) transnational queer media and fandom, and (2) the intersections of gender, sexuality, and everyday practices. Trained in sociology, I employ a qualitative, empirical, and decolonial methodology in my work.

My current projects include:

  1. Thai Girls' Love (GL) media, with a specific focus on their global-facing strategies and transnational fandom among queer women. I have published findings in Feminist Media Studies (with Ka Wei Pang), with several manuscripts currently in progress. You can also read our discussion on The Conversation.
  2. Gender nonconformity in Sinophone Asia: I am currently working on my first monograph, The Middle Gender: Resistance Against the Gender Binary in Sinophone Asia, based on my award-winning PhD research (under contract with Amsterdam University Press.)
  3. Identity, media, and culture among Hong Kong migrants in the UK

I have been a member of the editorial board for Media, Culture and Society since 2020. To date, I've edited the themed special section 'Mediating Gender in Digital China: Post-2020s Discourse and Representation', and co-edited themed sections 'Encounters with Western Media Theory' and 'Rethinking Keywords in Media and Cultural Studies during and beyond COVID-19.'

I have been interviewed by various international media outlets on issues related to gender representation in UK reality TV, government regulations and the Chinese entertainment industry, queer media in Hong Kong, as well as the new Hong Kong migrant community in the UK.

Between 2021 and 2023, I served as a core task force member of the ESRC-NSTC-funded Taiwan-UK Sex, Gender, Sexual Minority (SGS) Health Research Network (TUSHRN). During this time, I co-organised an international online symposium and conference that brought together health researchers across the globe to foster cross-national collaboration in LGBTQ+ health research. In April 2023, I was invited to visit Taiwan, where I met with key stakeholders in the local LGBTQ+ community, participated in discussion panels, and delivered guest lectures on qualitative approaches to LGBTQ+ health and well-being research. Outputs I produced for this network included an article on the geopolitics of queer archives (co-first authored with Wen Liu in Sexualities) and a podcast on queer cultures in Hong Kong and Taiwan. You can find more information about TUSHRN at: https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/research/centres-projects-groups/tushrn#welcome

Since 2023, I have been a member of the ESEA (East and Southeast Asian) Online Hub. I have created a public education video for the ESEA Heritage Month online resources.

I co-founded and co-convene the cross-faculty research network Fan Studies Lancaster.

I have extensive experience working with community partners and advocacy groups, and I have delivered public lectures and workshops on topics related to queer media and the LGBTQ+ communities. Some examples of organisations I've worked with include the QTI Coalition of Colour at Cambridge, Queer China UK, Formosa Salon, Queer Asia (SOAS), Queer@King's, and Asia-Art-Activism.

I'm interested in supervising PhD projects in the following areas:

  • Fandom and Participatory Culture
  • Transnational Asian popular culture
  • Queer Sinophone studies (using social science-informed methods)
  • Girls Love media in Asia

The Rising Girls Love (GL) Dramas in Thailand: Queer Narratives, CP Fan Culture, and its Sinophone Following
Invited talk

Sinophone Geopolitics and Cantopop Queerness: Reconfiguring Queer Stardom in Post-2014 Hong Kong
Invited talk

When Fans Meet AI: A Feminist Ethics of Care for Participatory Culture in Digital Asia
Invited talk

Fandom Futures: Navigating Generative AI in Participatory Culture
Invited talk

On Not Speaking Cantonese: The Glory Café Incident (2020), Xeno/Sinophobia, and the Postcolonial Identity Politics in Hong Kong
Oral presentation

Gendered Cultural Intermediaries of Migration: UK-Hongkongers on YouTube
Oral presentation

Fandom of a transgressive woman: How mainland Chinese fans of a censored singer negotiate identities and transborder solidarity
Invited talk

Fan Studies and Design Symposium
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

From immaterial love to 'material' love: Fan Support and Gifts in Transcultural Fandom
Oral presentation

Killer Fandom book launch
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

The Geopolitics of Queer Archives: Contested Chineseness and the Queer Sinophone Affiliation Between Hong Kong and Taiwan
Invited talk

Queer Scholarship and Activism in Sinophone Asia: Geopolitics and Minor-to-minor Circulation
Invited talk

20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies
Participation in conference - Academic

Decolonising Queer Artistic Space and Practice: Critical Dialogue with Asian-Art-Activism

Fandom Studies in Hong Kong: Girls Love, Ambiguity, and Zhongxing Celebrities
Invited talk

Strategic Resistance against Gender Binaries: Chinese Women Doing Zhongxing in Hong Kong and Urban China
Invited talk

Say No to Renminbi? The Geopolitical Economy of Queer Stardom in Post-2019 Hong Kong Cantopop Industry
Invited talk

Taiwan-UK Conference on Sex, Gender and Sexuality Health Research Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Chinese Women Doing Zhongxing: Strategic Resistance against Gender Binaries
Invited talk

Not just a Metaphor: Military Imagery for COVID-19 in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Beyond
Invited talk

Media, Culture and Society (Journal)
Editorial activity

Sociological Research Online (Journal)
Editorial activity

Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prize
Prize (including medals and awards)

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Fellowship awarded competitively

Outstanding Paper Award of the Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference
Prize (including medals and awards)

Dean's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Internationalisation
Other distinction

Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies
Fellowship awarded competitively

  • Centre for Alternatives to Social and Economic Inequalities
  • Centre for Gender Studies
  • Fan Studies Lancaster