
Contemplating the future of education methods with visual media.

Are you a researcher, teachers or PG student interested in diversifying your methods and sharing your thoughts on visual media and tools, and their role in the future of education? Join Lancaster University and Centre for Social Futures' extended BRUNCH symposium organised for researchers, postgraduate students and teachers across disciplines to discuss visual media and creative events as tools in research, teaching and engagement.


Date: 15/10/2024

"Scopicast", verb. To apply visual methods, visual media and technologies to anticipate and contemplate futures; a hybrid between 1) scopic ( visual. a scopic method of illustrating a scientific principle; having a wide scope: comprehensive) and 2) forecast/cast.

A quote from Nataša Lacković


This is a BRUNCH event for staff and PG researchers and teachers, at all stages of their career and across disciplines interested in applying and developing visual and new media in research methods and pedagogies to contemplate their role in education (thus applying "education futures thinking" together).

The event features the following speakers - we will confirm the event schedule shortly, this is a tentative schedule, and you are welcome to attend individual sessions but we hope to spend an extended brunch time with you:

  • 11 AM: E. Jayne White, University of Canterbury, New Zealand:Jayne' s scholarship brings dialogic philosophy, visual pedagogy and methodology together to explore new ways of seeing and talking about early becomings in education
  • 11:45 AM Tunde Varga-Atkins, The University of Liverpool: Everyone is thinking/talking about AI (artificial intelligence) in teaching? Building on her rich experience, Tunde will provide her insights building an ongoing collaborative project that aims to develop guidelines for HE teachers on AI opportunities and challenges

BREAK: 12:30-1PM

  • 1 PM: Estrella Sendra, King's College London: Estrella has extensive experience in the field of media and culture, e.g. applying film, video and festivals in research and teaching methodologies and engagement
  • 1:45 PM: Nataša Lacković, Lancaster University: Nataša will talk about a relational turn in higher education, highlighting multimodal methods and students as futurologists, building on her recently published book co-written with A. Olteanu.

Convenor: Felipe Sánchez, Lancaster University / Universidad de los Andes, Chile: Felipe is an educational psychologist who is completing his PhD in Educational Research at Lancaster University, interested in art-based, creative and future methods, and the experience of learning & education.

All talks involve attendees Q&A

Post event: We will have an open call to select contributions to two collective pieces of work on the challenges and opportunities of visual and new media in teaching and research (two collections, each with 1 focus)

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