Writing Prompts

As part of the workshops we use ChatGPT and some predefined writing prompts to generate threat actor descriptions, techniques, motivations and risks.

ChatGPT Prompts

Here you can find a series of useful prompts and examples for use with ChatGPT when constructing your threat personas. Simply copy and paste the prompt suggestions and fill in the extra details following the format shown in the examples.

Generating Threat Actor Descriptions

Copy & Paste:

Create a 100 word description for a threat actor with thefollowing attributes <insert here>

Example: Create a 100 word description for a cyber threat actor with the following attributes: hostile intent, internal access, willing to break the law in minor ways, operates overtly, minimal skillset, organisational level resources, objective to copy, outcome of actions is damage and embarrassment.

Generating ideas for Motives

Give me some ideas to write a motivation for why this cyber threat actor would target a product/customer like this: <insert description here>

Generating Techniques

Using the previous description, tell me the top 3 MITRE ATT&CK techniques this actor would use to achieve their objectives

Generating risks

Tell me the technical risks that could arise if a cyber threat actor with this description <insert here> and this motivation <insert here> targeted this company/product <insert here> using the following techniques <insert here>