Dr Phillip Benachour
Senior Teaching FellowMy Role
I am a Senior Teaching Fellow in the School of Computing andCommunications and Director of the International Partner Campuses in the Faculty of Science and Technology at Lancaster University. I lead the strategic teaching partnerships in the Faculty of Science and Technology involving five international partners giving direction on operations and advising the dean and deans group.
Research Overview
My current research interests and topics relate to the use of technology to understand and support learning. The topics I am working on fit within the broad area of Technology Enhanced Learning. I am currently working on the following areas:
-How Is Knowledge (co-) constructed in a MOOC learning context?
-Design and Adoption of Blended Learning in West Africa.
-The use of Time Series Data in Learning analytics: Open Learning and MOOCs.
Career Details
Academic Qualifications:
Doctor of Philosophy (Lancaster, 2000)
MSc DSP applications (Lancaster, 1994)
BEng Electrical and Electonic Engineering (De Montfort Leicester, 1992)
Teaching Fellow, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, 2003 - present
Lecturer (Computing and Engineering), Blackburn University Centre, Blackburn 2002-2003
Research Associate, Bristol University, 2001-2002
Research Associate, Lancaster University, 2000-2001
Professional Role
Member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology
Associate member of the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning
PhD Supervision Interests
Technology enhanced learning, mobile learning, context aware and personalized learning.
IEEE Tech4Good: Protecting Vulnerable Older Adults and Young People from Cyber Fraud and Online Scams
16/12/2024 → 16/06/2025
Collaborations to Foster and Enhance Students’ Professional Development
26/02/2024 → 21/12/2024
ICT4facilitating Gender Development and Empowerment in Ghana
06/03/2020 → 31/12/2020
Learning Engineering Panel: 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology , Utah, United States
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar
IEEE Technical Community on Learning Technology (TCLT) (External organisation)
Membership of committee
Social learning in large scale environments: A case study for using MOOCs as a tool for learner interaction
Invited talk
Social learning in large scale environments: A case study for using MOOCs as a tool for learner interaction
Invited talk
MOOCs amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunities, Challenges and Future paths
Invited talk
18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2018 (Event)
Membership of committee
18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2018
Participation in conference - Academic
- SCC (Communication Systems)
- Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence)