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Developing the BeeBox

Using your BeeBox

Using your BeeBox is a simple and effective way to support bumblebees and contribute to their conservation. As natural nesting sites become scarcer due to land use changes and urbanization, providing artificial habitats like BeeBox helps fill the gap. While nestboxes have been shown to benefit birds and mammals, their impact on bees has been less clear. However, BeeBox is designed with careful attention to bee preferences and behaviours, offering a safe, stable environment for nesting.

When you set up your BeeBox, you’re helping to create a protected space where bees can build their nests, free from the dangers of pests and parasites. During our testing, we noticed that after the bees used the BeeBox, slugs helped clean out old nest materials, removing harmful pathogens, and keeping the environment healthy for future generations. This nature-based cleaning feature reduces the need for human intervention, making BeeBox a sustainable and low-maintenance option.

BeeBox can also provide valuable data on bee nesting behaviours, helping researchers understand the specific needs of different species, especially those that are rare or in decline. By using a BeeBox, you’re not only providing a home for bees but also contributing to the growing effort to conserve these vital pollinators.

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