About BeeBox
BeeBox is our innovative solution to the dwindling habitat available for our bumblebee populations. Safe, secure, and eco-friendly, the BeeBox provides the perfect nesting environment for bumblebees to help tackle their decline and allow them to thrive in your garden.
BeeBox in action
A bumblebee flies outside a BeeBox as part of an experiment to determine the optimal size for bee habitats. In this study, researchers observed the bees' behaviours in response to different-sized enclosures to see which dimensions provide the most comfort and support for the colony. The results from this research are helping to fine-tune the design of BeeBoxes, ensuring that they provide the best possible homes for these essential pollinators.
Food and shelter
The provision of both food and habitat are vital to the conservation of bumblebees. Planting wildflowers - such as the rough hawkbit - provides bees with the nectar and pollen they need to survive, but a suitable nesting environment is of equal importance. To truly support bee populations, conservation efforts must balance these two elements—wildflower planting and nesting site provision—ensuring bees have everything they need to thrive and continue their essential role in pollination and ecosystem health. . And that's where our BeeBox comes in!
Inside the nest
Here’s a look inside a live bumblebee nest! A healthy colony usually consists of 50-100 bees, including workers, drones, and the queen. If you look closely at the centre, you can spot the large queen, who plays a key role in the colony’s reproduction and survival. Your BeeBox, when active and thriving, will look something like this, with bees buzzing about, caring for their young, and keeping the colony running smoothly. A healthy BeeBox isn’t just a shelter for bees—it’s a crucial part of supporting pollination and biodiversity in our world.
Customise your BeeBox
Our BeeBoxes aren't just a home for bees -when you buy a BeeBox, you can decorate and paint it to make it your own! Not only is it a fun and creative project, but it’s also a meaningful way to contribute to bee conservation. By customizing your BeeBox, you’re helping create a welcoming space for these important pollinators while showing off your personal touch.