Congratulations on your offer and welcome to your course!
Congratulations on your offer of an MSc in Sustainable Water Management at Lancaster University!
On this website, you will find useful information about your course and life in Lancaster. The page will be updated regularly so remember to come back for more info.

Welcome from Dr Nick Chappell
Dr Nick Chappell is the Director of Study for the postgraduate training programmes in Flood & Coastal Risk Management, Sustainable Water Management and Flood Risk Management. He has over 30 years of research and training experience, with current research focusing particularly on the quantifying the effectiveness of nature-based solutions for reducing flood peaks and risk. He is the NERC Chief Science Advisor to the UK-wide strategic initiative ‘Flood & Drought Research Infrastructure’.
Advantages of the course
RM/FRM: Hands-on learning (alongside a mix of practitioners and university graduates) of specialist FCRM modules taught by leading industry professionals in the UK water sector towards a highly respected CIWEM-accredited qualification
SWM: Hands-on learning (alongside a mix of practitioners and university graduates) of specialist FCRM modules taught by leading industry professionals in the UK water sector towards a highly respected CIWEM-accredited qualification
Sustainable Water Management MSc
Hands-on learning (alongside a mix of practitioners and university graduates) of specialist FCRM modules taught by leading industry professionals in the UK water sector towards a highly-respected CIWEM-accredited qualification.