There are many definitions of wellbeing, for example, the Sunday Times Best 100 Companies/Best Not for Profits 2018 defines wellbeing as “How staff feel about the stress, pressure and the balance between their work and home lives.”
The Oxford English Dictionary defines wellbeing as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy”.
Meanwhile, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development refers to workplace wellbeing covering both physical and mental states.
Most of the world’s population (58%) spend one-third of their adult life at work (W.H.O. 2018). Our working lives are therefore going to contribute to our overall sense of wellbeing.
According to Mental Health Charity Mind, wellbeing is important for mental health. They talk about the mental health continuum, where work pressures can create positive and negative stress.
There is a huge range of specialist local, national and global wellbeing related support.
We have developed a support page that helps you see what’s available all in one place.
See our Wellbeing Apps page.
See our Be Informed section to find out about some support and training options.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a set of evidence-based public mental health messages aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole population. They were developed by the New Economics Foundation as the result of a commission by Foresight, the UK government's futures think-tank, as part of the Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing.