FST Sustainability Advisory Committee

Wind turbines at sunset

The FST Sustainability Advisory Committee was established in 2020 to support, inform and guide environmental sustainability activity across the Faculty and within FST departments. The Committee aims to facilitate the sharing of good practice and enable communication in both directions between departments and individuals/groups with responsibility for sustainability at an institutional level.

Specifically, the FST Sustainability Advisory Committee’s purpose is to:

  • Support the development of departmental sustainability groups;
  • Support the development and implementation of departmental and themed cross-department sustainability action plans
  • Oversee the implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Strategic Plan, including progress monitoring and reporting
  • Identify and address emerging sustainability-related issues, and agree where Faculty or University support is required.

The FST Sustainability Advisory Committee meets on a twice-termly basis during the academic year. Its membership includes representation from all staff groups, and UG and PG students.


Ellie Appleton

Ellie Appleton

Business Analyst

C - Floor, University House
Kirk Semple

Professor Kirk Semple

Director of International Research, Professor of Environmental Microbiology

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Energy Lancaster, Innovation for a better environment, Soil Plant and Land Systems

+44 (0)1524 510554 A14, A - Floor, LEC 3

Committee Membership (2021-2022)

FST staff and students interested in getting involved in FST sustainability activity should contact their Departmental Sustainability Lead or email FST Sustainability in the first instance, and can add themselves to the Sustainability Hub on Teams.