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Key Stage 5 Resources
Key Stage 5 Resources accordion
The wave-particle duality concept is central to understanding quantum physics.
The A-Level specification introduces the DeBroglie equation and this experiment uses it along with the diffraction equation to find the spacing between carbon atoms in graphite.
A teacher must be present at all times during this experiment due to high voltages to the electron gun in the vacuum tube.
The measuring the e/m ratio of an electron was very important to physics at the beginning of the 1900s. It allowed scientists to gain a better understanding of this newly discovered particle.
The experiment uses equations from circular motion and forces on electrons in magnetic fields which is part of the AS physics syllabus as well as being in the turning points in physics module. The experiment needs a fully darkened space.
A teacher must be present at all times during this experiment due to high voltages to the electron gun in the fine beam tube.
One of the most important turning points in Physics was the Mitchelson Morely Experiment which implied that light did not need a medium to propagate.
The microwave interferometer instructs students on the basics and the box has support material which discusses the famous experiment. Also in the box is a double-slit apparatus which can be used to find the wavelength of the microwaves using Young’s Slits equation.
It was always important to measure the charge of an electron.
Millikan’s ingenious experiment is available here for students to do themselves. They must find a drop, and then find a voltage which will cause it to hover. Students will then measure the terminal velocity when it falls freely.
A teacher must be present at all times during this experiment due to high voltages to the plates.
Planck’s Constant must be one of the most used in modern physics.
This experiment uses the photoelectric effect and Einstein's equation to measure the constant h. The box also contains a class set of LED boxes where the constant can be measured using a voltmeter and an ammeter using the equation E = hf.
A teacher must be present at all times during this experiment due to high voltages and the danger of the UV light source.
The Lancaster Physics Department is collaborating with the Institute of Physics North West Stimulating Physics Programme and the Ogden Trust to compile a series of online homework exercises for A-Level students. The exercises are being developed as part of our Teacher CPD programme, and are inspired by the physics research being carried out at Lancaster University. The exercises are posted online and can be self-marked by students with feedback given at each stage.
Some links to the current question bank are given below:
- Exercises on Star Trek Physics - A-Level topics: circular motion, gravitational fields, gas laws
- Space and Planetary Physics - A-Level topics: electromagnetism, atoms and molecules
- Observational Astrophysics - A-level topics: astrophysics, electromagnetism, atoms and light
- Low-Temperature Physics - A-level topics: temperature, thermal energy transfer
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