Professor Adrian Friday

Professor of Computing and Sustainability

Research Overview

Adrian Friday is Professor of Computing and Sustainability at Lancaster University. A Ubicomp pioneer, he has over 25 years’ experience developing, deploying and studying digital infrastructures embedded in everyday environments. His interdisciplinary projects focus on understanding how digital systems impact energy and carbon footprint, including: energy use in the home (EP/I00033X/1); thermal comfort using less energy; sustainable food choices (EP/K012738/1); sustainable transport infrastructure (EP/K012614/1), sustainable last-mile logistics (EP/N02222X/1; EP/S027726/1); and mining fine-grained industrial energy and contextual data using time-series statistical and ML techniques (EP/T025964/1). He is an advisor to the leading Ubicomp journal, IMWUT; and a member of the Royal Society ``Digital Technology and the Planet'' working group responsible for advising on policy for ICT toward sustainable digital society.

If you're interested in the systems or human factors concerning ubicomp, energy demand or computational sustainability, please do make contact. We're always looking for talented potential PhD students and RAs to join our team.

Selected Publications

Accounting for Energy-Reliant Services within Everyday Life at Home
Bates, O., Clear, A., Friday, A., Hazas, M., Morley, J. 18/06/2012
Conference contribution/Paper

Ubiquitous Computing Systems
Bardram, J., Friday, A. 2009 In: Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals. CRC Press p. 37-94. 58 p. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9360-5.

Democratizing ubiquitous computing: a right for locality
Weise, S., Hardy, J., Agarwal, P., Coulton, P., Friday, A., Chiasson, M. 2012
Conference contribution/Paper

Ubicomp systems at 20: progress, opportunities, and challenges
Caceres, R., Friday, A. 01/2012 In: IEEE Pervasive Computing. 11, 1, p. 14-21. 8 p.
Journal article

Reimagining digital research infrastructure in environmental science for a sustainable future
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2027

DSI: Reducing the Global ICT Footprint via Self-adaptive Large-scale (DCMS Supplement)
01/12/2022 → 31/05/2023

DSI: Learning from the Big Picture: Applying Responsible Innovation to the Net Zero Research Infrastructure transformation (ARINZRIT)
01/09/2022 → 19/05/2023

“What if you were controlled by all these apps?” - challenging indifference toward essential gig economy courier work.
01/05/2021 → 30/11/2022

Can we improve building management and reduce carbon footprint through a mesh network of indoor air quality sensors?
01/01/2021 → 01/01/2024

Reducing End Use Energy Demand in Commercial Settings Through Digital Innovation
01/01/2021 → 30/09/2025

Future Places: A Digital Economy Centre on Understanding Place Through Pervasive Computing
01/10/2020 → 30/09/2025

Digitally transforming deliveries and collections in the gig-economy: fairer and more sustainable last mile parcel logistics
01/09/2019 → 31/05/2022

DSI: Energy in Schools
01/03/2018 → 30/01/2020

Freight Traffic Control 2050: transforming the energy demands of last-mile urban freight through collaborative logistics
01/04/2016 → 30/08/2019

Cyber Security of the Internet of Things
29/02/2016 → …

Cyber Security of the Internet of things
28/02/2016 → 31/08/2019

Behaviours that Stick: Exploring emotional design of sustainable behaviours that stick
01/04/2014 → 31/12/2014

RECALL: Enchanced Human Memory Recall
01/11/2013 → 31/10/2016

Encouraging low carbon food shopping with ubicomp interventions
29/06/2013 → 30/04/2015

Supporting Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Maintenance (Research in the Wild)
30/04/2013 → 31/01/2015

Informing Energy Choices Using Ubiquitous Sensing
18/01/2011 → 28/06/2013

01/05/2010 → 31/07/2013

  • DSI - Environment
  • Energy Lancaster
  • MSF Supervisors 2019/20
  • Network and Systems
  • Pentland Centre
  • SCC (Pervasive Systems)