RSE - Introduction to Version Control, Git, and the Command Line

Thursday 25 January 2024, 9:00am to 4:00pm


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Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Registration required. Please use the event details link provided.

Event Details

Who is this for...

Who is this for?

PhD students, Researchers, Staff

Why attend this?

Learning the command line is one of the first and most useful steps in making your research more reproducible, or being able to run your analysis on more powerful computing infrastructure. This will allow you to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and mistakes.

If you ever find yourself with once working code which is now broken or need to go back in time to your code at a previous state, then learning git and version control will allow you to have a full revision history of your code which you can browse through and access as needed.

Prerequisite skills: Some programming experience.

Resources Required: You need to bring your own laptop to work on.

Learning Objectives

  • Basic understanding of the Linux command line
  • How to find, create and delete files and directories (folders) using the command line
  • Chaining together smaller commands to make them more powerful
  • Version controlling your own project through Git & GitHub.
  • Basic collaboration through GitHub.
  • Merging changes and dealing with merge conflicts.

Duration: One day (10 minute breaks every hour, and a 30 minute break for lunch [bring your own])

Course material: (Episodes 1 - 4) and

Location: Digital Scholarship Lab in the Library


Robin Long

Contact Details
