Shamelessly trying to coin a new term: Filter Politics
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Online expression is revealing a disparity between people’s values and the representation provided by their governments. In response to this dissatisfaction, people have turned to social media to express their political values in a global format. This pro-Palestinian movement on TikTok reveals a dynamic phenomenon called 'Filter Politics,' where younger generations creatively leverage watermelon-themed filters to navigate controversy and raise money in support of Palestine.
To understand Filter Politics, we must first understand the platform. TikTok is a very popular social media platform featuring video content ranging from 1 second to 10 minutes. Content creators can earn money if their videos or filters gain sufficient popularity, and the greater the popularity, the higher the potential earnings. Another feature of the app are its filters, which are 2D or 3D pictures that use augmented reality to add features to a video, for example the dog filter puts dog ears on a person’s head. They can also be monetised, the more people that use the filter, the more money it generates.
The reason for TikTok’s popularity is its advanced algorithm. Users press the like button on a video that they enjoy, and similar videos are recommended to them. Therefore, if someone likes a video that expresses a certain political view they align with, they are recommended more like it. It is for that reason that TikTok is the perfect platform for political movements: its algorithm can more accurately discern users' interests than other social media platforms. And most recently, the pro-Palestinian movement has become very popular on the site.
How exactly does Filter Politics factor into this? With the increase of pro-Palestinian content being circulated on the site, there was an opportunity for fundraising. However, because the majority of TikTok users are those without a disposable income, the amount of money they can raise is limited. Thus, Filter Politics was born. Users create filters and direct the proceeds earned from the filters towards charities supporting Palestine. The more users who use the filter, the more money it generates. This innovative approach leverages the power of social media to engage users and spread awareness, while also generating money.
These filters share the theme of watermelons. The direct use of the Palestinian flag is divisive, especially when the operators of TikTok are known to be cautious regarding polarising and controversial content. The programmers have a track record of removing or limiting the visibility of such videos within its algorithm. The watermelon, chosen as a substitute for the flag, is not chosen arbitrarily—it mirrors the black, red, white, and green of the Palestinian flag. The creative substitution allows filter creators to navigate the platform's guidelines while still representing Palestine.
The TikTok movement prompts questions on why younger generations are in support of Palestine. This preference can be seen through the hashtag #StandWithPalestine which has more views than its counterpart, #StandWithIsrael. It seems the conflict is filtered through a racial prism, resonating with the sentiments of the Black Lives Matter movement, which resonates greatly with young people. Concerns over alleged Israeli genocide, deliberate targeting of innocent civilians, and a perceived justification for Palestinian resistance rooted in generations of suffering, are other reasons for Palestinian support on TikTok. Moreover, younger generations are turning away from conventional news outlets, pivoting toward social media platforms instead, which they believe are less biased and not influenced or filtered by their governments.
This prompts a critical look into how younger generations believe their political values are not being represented by their governments. According to Ipsos, a global research firm, there is a prevailing sentiment among Gen Z that they are undervalued compared to Boomers, particularly in the context of governmental representation. While it's important to note that this perspective may not be universal across the entire generation, the emergence of Filter Politics hints at an increasing desire among many to see their values authentically reflected in the political landscape.
Filter Politics serves as a powerful catalyst at the intersection of technology, activism, and political representation, marking a transformative era in online discourse.
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