I want to appeal my results

Please complete this form if you are appealing your results. Please include information about which results you are appealing.

As soon as you have notification of a re-grade please let us know the mark as soon as you are able, by emailing results@lancaster.ac.uk.

If we are your firm choice, we can accept amended results and honour your offer (excluding Medicine) for 2024 entry as long as we receive them by Wednesday 4 September.

Medicine applicants that are successful in appealing results, and meet the condition of our offer, will be guaranteed a place for 2025 entry.

If you notify us after Wednesday 4 September, we unfortunately cannot guarantee your place, but do let us know as soon as you are able, in case we have any vacancies.

If you meet the terms of your offer by the Wednesday 4 September, and you applied for your accommodation before Saturday 10 August and we are your firm choice, your accommodation offer will be guaranteed.

Loading form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Date of birth

If you have previously contacted Lancaster in Clearing, please enter the Clearing reference number we provided as part of your request here. The reference will be the letters LU followed by 6 digits. e.g. LU001234

There was a problem submitting the form:

  • {{ error.message }}

The clearing reference number you have entered does not match one of our records, please update and try again or continue as a new applicant.

The information provided for these items does not match the information we have on our record:

  • {{ field.name }}

Please update and try again or continue as a new applicant.

Application received

Thank you for submitting your details, your unique reference number is {{ state.response.data.clearingId }}. Please make a note of this should you need to contact us regarding your enquiry. We will quote this in any further correspondence. You will not receive email confirmation of this number.

We have made a record that you intend to appeal one or more of your results.