Research Ethics

Lancaster University expects the highest standard of research integrity from university researchers as per the Code of Practice. Ethical approval is required for activities that directly involve humans, human tissue, data relating to humans, or other ethical issues when indicated below. If you are conducting research involving animals, read the information about Lancaster’s Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB).

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI), or PhD Supervisor, to decide whether ethical approval is required. For funded research this decision is recorded on the ACP costing tool, approved by the Head of Department. Researchers must consider ethical risk, and gain approval if appropriate, prior to any work being undertaken; advice is available from Research Services. Where ethical review is required, as indicated below, an application must be submitted to the relevant Faculty Research Ethics Committee (FREC) supported and approved by the PI or Supervisor. Details of the internal processes can be found in the procedures documentand additional guidance is located on the faculty ethics web pages.
