Martin Gilmore
Head of Partnerships and Business Engagement for Physical SciencesProfile
Martin is the Business Partnerships Manager for Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Engineering & Physics) at Lancaster University, and also supports business partnership development with Energy Lancaster.
There are a range of mechanisms for businesses to engage with researchers within Physical Sciences. These range from student placements, contract research, professional development and multi-partner collaborative research projects.
Martin joined Lancaster from Birmingham City University where he undertook a similar role, previous to this he worked in the private sector undertaking environmental consulting in the water sector.
H2H Project - Phase 1
18/03/2019 → 08/09/2019
BEIS: Knowledge Transfer Plan for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
25/02/2019 → 04/03/2020
Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel
Keith Barnes
Hosting a Non-Academic Visitor
Lancaster Chemistry Academia-Industry Symposium
Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel
Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel
Launch event for the MChem (with Industrial Placement) degree at Lancaster University
Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel
Edward R.T. Tiekink
Hosting an academic visitor