Morecambe Bay

Archival Resources

Members of the public are welcome to consult the RHC resource archive, which covers several aspects of the region's cultural and social history.

Click the button below to view the Elizabeth Roberts Working Class Oral History Archive on its new website.

View the Elizabeth Roberts Working Class Oral History Archive online

Viewing our archival resources

If you would like to access any of our archives below in person, please email us to arrange a time to visit and we would be delighted to accommodate. You can also call 01524 593770. Visits can be arranged on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9:30am to 3:30pm.


Contact Us

By Post

Regional Heritage Centre
Department of History
Bowland College
Lancaster University
United Kingdom

By Phone

+44 (0)1524 593770

Usually staffed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:30-15:30

RHC Director:
Dr Chris Donaldson

Academic Co-ordinator:
Dr Oliver Wilkinson

Ann-Marie Michel

For the Victoria County History of Cumbria, please contact Dr Sarah Rose