What If…
I don’t understand something in the toolkit?
You can either ask the REACT SUPPORTERS directly, or put a question on the REACT GROUP forum.
I haven’t got time to use the toolkit?
Many people are very busy especially when supporting someone with a mental health problem. We have tried to design REACT in a format which is easy to read and can be accessed quickly between work tasks. It might be worth thinking about what times of day are quietest for you and how you might be able to fit this into your routine.
The toolkit doesn’t cover the things I want to know about?
If some sections don’t cover things you want to know about then skip to the sections that do. There may be some sections you want to know more about so we have provided links to further reading and resources.[full] If you still want more, ask REACT SUPPORTERS or the REACT GROUP
My relative or friend who has psychosis or bipolar wants to know what this is about?
The toolkit does not contain any personal or confidential information about your relative. If your relative has any concerns, then you may want to show them the toolkit to reassure them. It is up to you whether or not you wish to discuss the toolkit with your family.
I am worried about talking about my personal concerns to the REACT SUPPORTERS, in case they discuss them with other people?
REACT SUPPORTERS will never discuss any personal information about you or your family with anyone outside the REACT team. If you choose a username that is not your real name, then you will be completely anonymous on the REACT site. Not even the REACT SUPPORTERS will know who you really are (unless there are issues of risk to yourself or others).
Who is in the REACT GROUP?
Any relative who is using the REACT toolkit can enter the REACT GROUP. This is a space for relatives to share their experiences and knowledge with each other. The group is moderated by the REACT SUPPORTERS who will also input to the discussions and can remove anything inappropriate. If you are concerned about anything posted on the group then you can report it to the REACT SUPPORTERS
I don’t want to fill in the reflection time questions
The toolkit is designed to be interactive. Each section contains both information and one or more activities to help you apply the information to your own situation. There’s also a chance to think about what you’ve learnt from each section. These exercises are just for your benefit so if you prefer to skip them and just read the information then please do. We hope you find at least some of them helpful.
I keep getting reminders to visit the REACT site
REACT can only help if you remember to visit the site. We know this can be a challenge so we will send you regular email reminders that will tell you what’s new on the site. If you don’t like the reminders, or want to receive them less often, you can reset this here.
I want to share information about a local resource I think others would find helpful
Please do! You can send the information to the REACT SUPPORTERS who can add it to the Resources Section