Learn about Bipolar Disorder

There is a lot of information about Bipolar Disorder on the internet. It can be hard to know where to go for the most reliable information. A good starting point is a report called “Understanding Bipolar Disorder” written by a team of academics, clinicians and service users including some of us, published by the British Psychological Society.

You can download it for free HERE

More information about bipolar disorder is also available on national charity websites such as Rethink or Bipolar UK. Useful textbooks include “Coping with Bipolar Disorder: A CBT-Informed Guide to Living with Manic Depression” by Steve Jones & Peter Hayward, or “The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide” by David Miklowitz.

Other helpful ways to learn about bipolar disorder is to read some first person accounts written by people with this condition (such as “An Unquiet Mind” by Kay Redfield Jamison). Relatives’ accounts are also very helpful (such as “The Father I Had” by Martine Townsend).