The Team continuing to develop and offer REACT

Naomi Fisher
Implementation Researcher
Hi – I am Naomi and I have been working on the implementation of REACT. The implementation work in REACT has been about listening to what people using REACT or NHS staff offering REACT think about how to make it as useful and usable as possible. Outside of work I enjoy exploring, on my bike and running in the hills or sharing time with friends and family.
(The whole REACT team are very sad to report the death of Naomi in 2020. She was an amazing person who made a positive difference to the lives of so many people.)

Andrew Walker
Digital Technologist
The wider REACT Team

Elizabeth Murray
Professor of eHealth and Primary Care
Elizabeth Murray is a GP, Professor of eHealth and Primary Care at UCL, Director of the UCL eHealth Unit and Head of the Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health. She established the UCL eHealth Unit in 2003. The Unit is now recognised as a multi-disciplinary centre of excellence for eHealth research, with a particular reputation for developing, evaluation and implementing digital health interventions to improve health and health care.

Fiona Lobban
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Hi – I am Fiona Lobban and I have been leading on the REACT studies. At work I am interested in developing and testing new ways to help people with mental health problems and their relatives. I am particularly interested in how we make sure these approaches get used in the NHS. Outside of work I spend as much as time as possible on the top of a hill enjoying the beautiful Lake District where I live.

Heather Robinson
Trial Manager
Dr Heather Robinson joined the Spectrum Centre team in 2009 as the lead Research Assistant for the PARADES Psychoeducation trial in Manchester. Heather managed the REACT Trial, along-side which she is completing a systematic literature review on the instruments available to best measure the social networks of people with severe mental illness. When not at work Heather enjoys hiking the UKs many national parks and practising hot yoga.

Jo Smith
Professor in Early Intervention and Psychosis
Jo Smith is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and a Professor in Early Intervention and Psychosis with University of Worcester, Worcester, UK. She was, previously, Early Intervention Clinical Development Lead with Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust and a Joint National Early Intervention Programme Lead supporting Early Intervention development and implementation across England. Her clinical and research work has largely focused on the development, evaluation and delivery of psychosocial interventions to individuals with psychosis and their families.

Steven Jones
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Steven Jones is Professor of Clinical Psychology at Lancaster University. Steve has expertise in managing multi-site research including an NIHR Programme Grant in Bipolar Disorder, is part of the IAPT Expert Group for Implementation, and with Fiona Lobban co-directs the Spectrum Centre hosting several online trials for Bipolar Disorder.

Sonia Johnson
Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry
Sonia Johnson leads a research group in the Division of Psychiatry at UCL investigating the needs of people with psychosis and other major mental health problems and the care they receive. She is particularly interested in investigating what works best in early intervention for psychosis and in crisis care. She is also the Director of a large MSc course at UCL that trains people in mental health research methods. Her clinical work is as a consultant psychiatrist in the Islington Early Intervention Service for psychosis. Her main spare time activity and stress management strategy is singing with several London chamber choirs. She can be followed on Twitter as @soniajohnson.

Vanessa Pinfold
Research Director
Vanessa Pinfold is the co-founder and research director at the McPin Foundation, a mental health research charity that champions the role of experts by experience in research. Vanessa is an experienced health services researcher working on various studies that seek to provide innovative solutions for improving mental health in communities everywhere. Within REACT she is supporting the involvement of relatives in the project.

Sue Flowers
Peer Supporter
Sue Flowers is an artist, director of the third sector organisation Green Close and a mental health activist. She worked directly on the REACT study for four years during the delivery and implementation stages of the project, using her lived experience of supporting relatives to inform the development of the site and creating many of the illustrations used within the toolkit.