Call for Papers! Queer Medical Humanities Network: Public Research Showcase
Friday 19th April 2024, Health Innovation Campus, Lancaster University
Network lead: Dr Benjamin Dalton (
The Queer Medical Humanities Network brings together researchers working on approaches to diverse aspects of queer and LGBTQIA+ healthcare across the Medical Humanities. The Network is based led by Dr Benjamin Dalton, Lecturer in French Studies in the Department of Languages and Cultures, Lancaster University. The Network explores how interdisciplinary research across the Medical Humanities and Health Humanities can respond to diverse topics relating to queer and LGBTQIA+ healthcare.
The Queer Medical Humanities Network Public Research Showcase (19th April 2024) will comprise a showcase of research posters which will be open to the public and all members of the University. The day will also include a meeting for members of the Queer Medical Humanities Network, and those interested in becoming members; and a panel discussion. The day will run as follows:
10:00-12:00 Queer Medical Humanities Network meeting
12:00-16:30 Showcase of research posters
16:30-18:00 Panel discussion and drinks reception
Research posters might explore, but need not be limited to, the following themes:
- LGBTQIA+ accessibility within healthcare environments and institutions
- Queerness and Disability
- LGBTQIA+ mental health
- LGBTQIA+ sexual health
- Queer reproductive health
- Queer pleasure and healthcare
- Trans healthcare
- Queer experiences and legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic
- HIV/AIDS healthcare and activism
- Overcoming stigma in queer healthcare
- Intersectionality in queer healthcare
- LGBTQIA+ ageing
- Palliative and end of life care in queer contexts
If you would like to be part of the Public Research Showcase, please send a short description of your proposed poster to Dr Benjamin Dalton ( by 5pm Friday 5th April and state also if you planning to attend the Showcase in person, online, or simply have a Poster featured without attendance. Posters to be included in the Research Showcase will be confirmed on Monday 8th April. Completed posters should be submitted by 5pm Monday 15th April, configured as A1 on PowerPoint.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr Benjamin Dalton ( if you have any questions.
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