London: Friends House, Library of the Society of Friends, MS Vol 305, page 52
Images © The Religious Society of Friends in Britain


The Pasture of the Baptizts that came before wth his rapour in his hand
and took mee out of the crowd into his own house __ And so in the
after noone, hee offerd upp his meetting to mee; declare the truth
among them; and all was peaceable and they all heard truth gladly
and so the second day; the Magistrates sent for mee; and I went
upp to them to y:e Town Hall; the streets being all in an uproar, and one
Sware one thing, and another sware another thing ag:t mee ___ And they

asked mee if I were the sonne of God; I said yes; ___ They asked mee
if I had seen gods face; I said yes. ___ They asked mee whether I had y:e
                                I disserned him that spoke to mee.
spirit of discerning; I said yes^   They asked mee whether the scripture was
y:e word of God; I said God was the word; and the Scriptures were writeings; and
y:e word was before writeings were; wch word did fulfill them. ______

And so they sent mee to prison; and so I told y:e Goaler I could pay him
no fees, I would neither eat his meat nor lye in his Bed
; and so I satt up
all night; and continued there a litle time; and so y:e Assie?zesAssizes came
and when the Assizes was there came abundance of contenders &
priests to mee; and most of y:e gentry of the Countrey to dispute; &
there came one about y:e tenth houre of y:e night; and plucked mee upp
and down the roome; the very priests when they could gett no hold of my
words for the truth did Convince them, and was like a fire upon their heads
      and in their hearts, the word of truth; and they all looked that