Pilgrimage Literature
There is a vast body of work on the subject of pilgrimage in general. The University of Yorks Pilgrims and Pilgrimage website provides a useful summary of the topic.
The British Library produces some informative and illustrated blogs on pigrimages and their literature. See for example:
Pilgrimages: medieval summer holidays? (29 July 2018);
Pilgrimage by proxy (14 March 2020); and
14th-century pilgrim's travel guide: Add MS 12213.
The Medieval Itineraries website by Peter Robins gives a list of itineraries from the 4th to the early 16th centuries, with a Google Map tracing the route of each: scroll down the page to the list and then click on each one. Warning: the only difficulty with this website is that if you access it from another page, there is no back button, and you will have to use ALT and ⇦ to return.
Close window to return. If you have opened another window, close that as well.