Mehmet IVs Hunting Expedition
A detail from one of 20 oil paintings made by a member of the embassy from Charles X Gustaf of Sweden to Sultan Mehmet IV of Turkey in 1657. The ambassador was Claes Rålamb.
The originals are in the Nordiska Museum in Stockholm. 15 of them belong to the Rålamb family but are on permanent loan to the Museum. We have been unable to find any images of them on the Museums website, and
there is nothing there about copyright — we would be glad of further information.
This detail, which shows Mehmet IV as he was when Mary Fisher visited him, was taken from Jonathan Stubbs The Rålamb Mission Aramco World 64:2 (March/April 2013),
online at The article gives a detailed description of the paintings and account of the embassy. Photo credit is
Mats Landin, Nordiska Museet.
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