Miles Bateman & the Burial Ground |
[folio 7v] In a bout two years time after Kendall Burrying place was ffinished ffreinds of vnderbarrow begun to erect & build one atte the cragg by miles Bateman consent & order he then being esteemed a good ffreind & did Rdaly[?] walke in the feare of god in humillitye & heauenly obeydience haueing a sweete & large testimony to beare for his name.
Yett afterwards he being but young in years went vp to London & letting his minde Run after noueltyes the soules enimy prevayled ouer him more & more till att Length he quite Revoulted from truth made shipwrack of faith & good conscience be came Insolent & Arrogant in minde ^ & when he came home pulled downe one side of the burrying wall againe & layed ^ it to his field to be plowed as formerly; all after his neighbouring ffreinds of vnderbarrow meeting had beene att considerable cost in walleing & Trenching And more ouer had burried about eight persons in itt ...
Kendal: Cumbria Record Office, MS WDFC/F/1/93: Account, Memoranda,
and Minute Book
of Westmorland Quarterly Meeting and Kendal Men's Monthly Meeting fols 7r–8r