Dr Samantha Russell PhD
Teaching AssociateResearch Overview
My PhD work focused on contextual influences on young children's understanding of picture book stories. Specifically, I explored children's responses to anthropomorphised characters, in comparison with more realistically depicted human protagonists, and moral stories in relation to those with a prudential self-interest theme.
I recently managed a pilot project that explores mental stories in the context of a 'Library of Lived Experience'. People who have faced mental health challenges were trained as Living Books. Interested Readers could 'loan' a Living Book for a short one-to-one conversation at Living Library events and learn more about the person's experiences and strategies around managing wellbeing. My research explored the experiences of being a Living Book for a Library of Lived Experience in a University setting.
I am currently teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Psychology Department at Lancaster University.
Library of Lived Experience of Mental Health
01/08/2023 → …
Training Living Books for a Library of Lived Experience of Mental Health
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Collaborations Cafe: Library of Lived Experience of Mental Health in a University
Invited talk
Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
Modelling count data in R
Invited talk
Experimental Psychology Society
Participation in conference - Academic
Chancellor Medal
Prize (including medals and awards)
Ed Chronicle Prize for most outstanding Masters Student 2016-17 and further Commendation for attaining the highest dissertation mark
Prize (including medals and awards)
- Developmental Psychology