How to Buy
Click on the relevant heading below to view purchasing information.
Click on the relevant heading below to view purchasing information.
How to buy: The vast majority of the University's insurance cover is arranged via UMAL. All requirements for insurance must be directed to
Supplier ID: U M Association Ltd (UMAL)
Supplier name: 8010633
How to order:
How to buy: All Travel must be booked via the central travel team and using the contracted Travel Management Companies, Trainline and Key Travel.
Supplier ID:
Supplier name:
How to order: There are two ways that travel can be booked. The quickest way is to use the self-service systems, available here. Alternatively, you can submit a travel request here
How to buy: LU Contracted Supplier
Supplier ID: 8020173
Supplier name: Lyreco
How to order: Purchase requisitions should be made in the via marketplace (punch-out).
How to buy: Additional approval needed ahead of request
Please visit the following link for more information about what is required
Supplier ID:
Supplier name:
How to order: Once all relevant information and checks have be made, Purchase requisitions should be made in the via "Purchase".
How to buy: Please visit the following link for more information about what is required IT procurement | ASK - Lancaster University
Supplier ID:
Supplier name:
How to order: Once all relevant information and checks have be made, Purchase requisitions should be made in the via "IT".
How to buy: Please visit the following link for more information about what is required IT procurement | ASK - Lancaster University
Supplier ID:
Supplier name:
How to order: Once all relevant information and checks have be made, Purchase requisitions should be made in the via "Purchase".
How to buy: Please visit the following link for more information, help and advice
Supplier ID:
Supplier name:
How to order: Once all relevant information and checks have be made, Purchase requisitions should be made in the via "Purchase".
How to buy: Please visit the following link for more information, help and advice
Supplier ID:
Supplier name:
How to order: Once all relevant information and checks have be made, Purchase requisitions should be made in the via "Purchase".