PPiPL Resources

Resources from our research in UK and Malaysia

Consumer, industry and policy engagement

White paper reports

These reports outline our findings from the PPiPL project and offer recommendations to help reduce the UK’s plastic usage and contribute towards the UK’s Plastics Pact goals. A total of 552 people and 91 organisations were involved in the research via interviews with consumers and households, workshops, supply chain companies and waste management facility visits.

Once you have read our reports, the team would love to hear what insights you’ve gained, the emotions they have sparked, and how they may inspire you to make a difference. Share your thoughts with us by completing this survey, and you will help us to continue to improve and learn about how best to achieve change.

White papers feedback survey

Fifty Four Degrees: Not the enemy

In this edition of the Management School magazine, marketing and supply chain experts, local council and retail partners, scientists, and the PPiPL project leaders present their findings on consumer attitudes and behaviours around plastic packaging and recycling and their hopes for the future. 

Fifty Four Degrees Issue 21
Piles of plastic packaging, with brightly coloured splashes


PPiPL in the Transforming Tomorrow podcast

The Transforming Tomorrow podcast guides you through the complex, ever-changing and often exciting world of sustainability in business. Alongside members of the Pentland Centre, academic experts, and business leaders, the podcast covers the theory and practice of mainstreaming social and environmental sustainability into purposeful business strategy and performance.


Academic articles

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