Current PhD Opportunities
Our PhDs are organised by our research groups. For more information on each of these groups, please visit the Research section.
Observational Astrophysics
Observational Astrophysics PhDs accordion
Professor Isobel Hook
Dark energy is often invoked as the cause of the accelerating expansion of the universe, but its nature remains unknown. Several new telescopes and surveys will soon address this issue. This PhD project aims to advance the use of Type Ia supernovae as distance indicators for cosmology, using a combination of simulations and data from these new telescopes.
Specifically, the student will work on surveys with the Rubin Observatory, ESA's Euclid mission and/or 4MOST (the 4meter Multi-Object Spectrograph Telescope). These surveys will detect tens of thousands of new supernovae and their host galaxies with a range of imaging and spectroscopic observations at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The project will start by working with collaborators to prepare for and collect the new datasets. The first dataset available is from the Euclid mission, which was launched in July 2023 and is now producing spectacular images that are being used to search for supernovae. As the dataset increases in size, the project will move towards searching for statistical correlations among various properties of the supernovae and their environments. This information will be used to improve the accuracy of Type Ia supernova distance measurements, and hence ultimately improve constraints on the nature of Dark Energy.
Please contact Professor Isobel Hook for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. or more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Dr John Stott
As the Universe ages, galaxies find themselves drawn together into filaments, groups and clusters. Galaxies entering these dense environments can experience processes which ultimately lead to a dramatic change in their appearance and internal properties. This project will discover how galaxies are transformed (`quenched’) from blue star-forming spiral discs (like our own Milky Way) into passive red elliptical galaxies, through interactions with their environment.
This PhD project will be a detailed study of galaxy transformation with environment, comparing those in massive galaxy clusters to the low density "field" environment. You will use spectroscopy and imaging from Hubble Space Telescope, Very Large Telescope, Subaru telescope, WEAVE/William Herschel Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope and the revolutionary Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). The results of this project will be physically interpreted through comparison with the outputs from state-of-the-art cosmological simulations of galaxy formation.
Please contact Dr John Stott for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. For more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Dr Julie Wardlow
Luminous submillimetre-selected galaxies (SMGs) and dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) are distant galaxies that are undergoing immense bursts of star formation, with typical star-formation rates of hundreds to thousands of times that of our Milky Way. These extreme systems likely represent a key phase in the formation of massive local elliptical galaxies and even 20 years after their discovery they continue to challenge theories of galaxy evolution.
This PhD project aims to reveal both the small-scale and large-scale environments of SMGs. Using data from facilities including Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) and ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) the project will examine whether the extreme star formation in SMGs is triggered by mergers and interactions with nearby companions. We will also study whether SMGs reside in protoclusters, which is expected for the progenitors of local massive elliptical galaxies. The results of these observational analyses will be used to test theories of the formation and evolution of submillimetre galaxies and probe whether they are caused by galaxy-galaxy mergers as some simulations suggest.
Please contact Dr Julie Wardlow for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. For more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.
Dr Samantha Oates
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are brief, intense flashes of gamma-rays that are accompanied by longer-lasting emission in the X-ray to radio wavelengths. The duration of the gamma-ray emission may be as short as a few milliseconds or may last for as long as a few hundred seconds, during which the GRB ‘outshines’ all objects in the known universe.
GRBs are divided, based on the duration of their gamma-ray emission, into two classes, 'long' and 'short', which are associated, respectively, with the collapse of massive stars or the mergers of two compact objects (either two neutron stars or a neutron star and black hole). Short GRBs have been associated with gravitational waves.
The search for the electromagnetic counterpart (EM), the GRB afterglow or kilonova, of gravitational wave (GW) events has led to large areas of sky being observed, leading to the detection of a variety of serendipitous optical/UV transients that are considered contaminants from EM searches to GW events, which may be interesting transients in their own right.
Some open questions in this area of research are: What are the environments GRBs explode into? What are the central engines and the structure of the jets? Have GRBs or their environments evolved with cosmological time? Can GRBs and their correlations be useful as cosmological probes? What are the optical/UV contaminants in the searches for the EM counterparts to GWs? The PhD student will have the opportunity to explore these types of questions. They will be able to join international collaborations such as Swift, LSST, STARGATE, and ENGRAVE.
Please contact Dr Samantha Oates for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. For more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Dr Mathew Smith
The Universe is currently undergoing a period of rapid accelerated expansion. This discovery, suggesting that 75% of the energy budget of the Universe is unexplained represents the biggest mystery in physics today. Type Ia supernova, as bright, highly homogenous, explosions, are excellent measures of distance. Visible to vast distances, these cosmic light-bulbs are ideal measures of how the size and content of the Universe has evolved over the last 10 billion years. This PhD project aims to expand the use of these events to probe new aspects of cosmology. Specifically, the student will exploit data collected by the international Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) collaboration to maximise our understanding of type Ia supernova to produce a detailed 3D map of the nearby Universe.
This project represents a leap forward in this field; more than ten thousand discoveries are now made each year, compared to several hundred collected in the last twenty. The student will develop machine learning tools to separate type Ia supernovae from other variable sources, and use high performance computing techniques to measure the cosmological parameters using forward modelling techniques.
The student will work closely with a team of international researchers in France, Germany, Sweden, Ireland and the USA to measure the 3D distribution of matter which will improve our understanding of Dark Energy and General Relativity.
Lancaster University has a leading role in multiple state-of-the-art supernova experiments including DES, LS4, LSST, 4MOST, Euclid, ZTF and JWST. As the PhD develops, the student will be encouraged to join and collaborate on projects based upon their own interests.
Please contact Dr Mathew Smith for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. For more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Dr Mathew Smith
Explosive astrophysical transients are uniquely powerful probes for understanding the fundamental evolution of the Universe at all cosmic scales: from the expansion history and growth of structure, measured using type Ia supernovae; down to the star-formation histories of galaxies in a cycle that drives cosmic nucleosynthesis. This PhD project aims to uncover and explain the rarest of astrophysical explosions. Our understanding of this picture is rapidly evolving: the extremes of the transient population now differ in luminosity and time-scale by many orders-of-magnitude, but no plausible physical explanation exists for either.
Starting in 2026, the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will revolutionise astrophysics: millions of new transients will be discovered each year. Combining these discoveries with high-cadenced photometric and spectroscopic data from projects lead by Lancaster astrophysics (LS4; TiDES), the student will develop unsupervised machine learning tools to identify ‘one in a billon’ events in real-time. Combining multi-wavelength observations with stellar populations, we will identify everything from the most luminous transients, to stars that vanish as black holes.
The student will work at the forefront of multiple international collaborations, alongside experts in the USA and Europe, to pin down the stars and environments that produce the extremes of stellar death. Lancaster University has a leading role in multiple state-of-the-art supernova experiments including DES, LS4, LSST, 4MOST, Euclid, ZTF and JWST. As the PhD develops, the student will be encouraged to join and collaborate on projects based upon their own interests.
Please contact Dr Mathew Smith for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. For more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Professor Brooke Simmons
The first images of the early Universe from JWST have raised at least as many questions as they have answered about galaxy evolution. Further upcoming missions and surveys promise to do the same. Why are disk galaxies so common at high redshift? How do they grow to the masses at which they are observed, and how do we expect them to evolve to later times? For example, could they be the progenitors of galaxies like the Milky Way? How do we reliably identify disk galaxies and galaxies with other dynamical and morphological configurations in the large datasets provided by current and upcoming surveys? Do the supermassive black holes in the centres of disk galaxies grow and co-evolve with their host galaxies in the same way as we observe with other galaxy populations?
Investigation of these topics during a PhD project will involve analysis of multiwavelength, multi-channel observational data. This will include hands-on work with large datasets as well as working with and writing code. The student will join multiple established, productive communities, such as the Galaxy Zoo project. The student will have the opportunity to lead a data release of a morphological sample from at least one of the latest generation of surveys (e.g. from JWST, Euclid, or LSST, depending on timing and student interest). It is likely this will involve machine learning techniques, as well as combining machine classification predictions with citizen science classifications. The student may also have the opportunity to gain hands-on observing experience at world-class telescopes.
Please contact Professor Brooke Simmons for further information. This PhD project represents just one component of the research performed by the wider Astrophysics group at Lancaster University. For more general information about PhD study in Physics at Lancaster please contact our postgraduate admissions staff at
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Theoretical Particle Cosmology
Theoretical Particle Cosmology PhD Projects accordion
Project Supervisor
Professor Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Cosmic Inflation in the early Universe Cosmic Inflation is a period of superluminal expansion of space just after the Big Bang. It is fixing the initial conditions of the Universe history, in that it makes the Universe large and uniform. Additionally, inflation generates quantum-mechanically the controlled violation of uniformity necessary for the build-up of structures such as galaxies and galactic clusters. Inflation is under new light due to the recent cosmological data, such as the Planck CMB observations. Several families of inflationary models are now excluded, while new research on the favoured models overlaps with concerns over the stability of the electroweak vacuum (Higgs inflation) and the UV completion of gravity (R^2 inflation). The discovery of gravitational waves has ignited new interest in detecting primordial gravitational waves, quantum generated during inflation, which are a smoking gun for inflation theory, and motivates forthcoming observations (e.g. the Einstein Telescope). Observations of primordial gravitational waves may reveal the history of the early Universe, especially if there are periods when the Universe is dominated by a stiff fluid, which enhance the primordial gravitational radiation. Such a period is a natural ingredient of quintessential inflation scenarios.
Quintessential Inflation and Dark Energy Observations suggest that the Universe at present is engaging anew in a period of late time inflation, determined by a mysterious substance called dark energy, which makes up about 70% of the density budget of the Universe today. Dark energy can be modelled similarly to primordial inflation, through a substance called quintessence. Quintessential inflation is the effort to economically treat dark energy and primordial inflation in a common theoretical framework. As such, quintessential inflation connects not only with primordial inflation data but also with imminent future dark energy observations (e.g. EUCLID), which can provide information on early Universe physics at very high energies, well beyond the reach of Earth based experiments. Moreover, quintessential inflation can exploit the famous scale mystery, whereby the scale of electroweak physics, which is explored in collider experiments such as the LHC, is roughly the geometric mean of the Planck energy scale, which is associated with gravity, and the dark energy scale. This implies that observations in the early and late Universe can be used to shed some light on particle physics phenomenology.
Primordial Black Holes are a natural outcome of many inflationary scenarios, as they can be formed by rare spikes in the spectrum of primordial density perturbations, generated by inflation. Primordial Black Holes can be the Dark Matter in the Universe, which makes up about 25% of the Universe budget at present. They could also seed the supermassive black holes which reside at the centres of galaxies and are responsible for Active Galactic Nuclei. Their formation depends not only on the details of inflation but also on the conditions in the post-inflation Universe. If they are small enough, they are expected to evaporate through the emission of Hawking radiation, which could heat the Universe after inflation but might also have many other effects on the CMB radiation. After the direct observations of binary black hole mergers, there is intense interest in exploring the cosmology of Primordial Black Holes.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Apply Here
Space and Planetary Physics
Professor Jim Wild
The earth’s magnetic field presents an obstacle to the solar wind, the stream of magnetised sub-atomic particles constantly flowing away from the Sun. A cavity in the solar wind, known as the magnetosphere, is formed inside which the geomagnetic field and plasma of terrestrial origin dominate. The size and shape of the magnetosphere is highly variable, with the location of the boundary (the magnetopause) being controlled by various factors, including the pressure exerted by the solar wind and magnetic reconnection between the magnetospheric magnetic field on one side of the boundary and the interplanetary magnetic field embedded in the solar wind on the other side of the boundary. At 1 AU (the distance of the Earth from the Sun), the solar wind typically flows with speeds between 300-400 km s-1, but during intervals of high-speed solar wind flow, it can exceed 700 km s-1. Such variation in the flow speed, combined with significant variations in solar wind density, mean that the dynamic pressure exerted on the magnetosphere can vary between 1-10 nPa, compressing the dayside magnetopause earthward by tens of thousands of kilometres during periods of enhance solar wind dynamic pressure.
Since the beginning of the space age, several satellite missions have been used to study the location of the magnetopause and its dependence on a subset of upstream solar wind conditions. This has led to the development of various empirical models that describe the location of the magnetopause. Many of the measurements have come from spacecraft orbiting close to the Earth’s equatorial plane and the models assume that the magnetopause has a hyperbolic shape and is cylindrically symmetric about the Earth-Sun line to describe the magnetopause location. However, this is almost certainly not the case since the geomagnetic field is structured differently in the latitudinal and longitudinal directions such that the magnetosphere is unlikely to have a perfectly circular cross section.
In this project, you will exploit a 20+ year dataset from the European Space Agency’s Cluster mission to study magnetopause locations under the full range of solar wind conditions experienced in the last two decades. The Cluster mission consists of four identical spacecraft each equipped with a suite of field and particle sensors. Crucially, the spacecraft orbit the Earth in inclined (polar) orbits meaning their trajectories intersect the magnetopause across a much wider range of locations compared to satellites in equatorial orbits. You will be able to investigate the shape and size of the magnetopause, develop new magnetopause models and investigate how these compare to pre-existing models based on alternative datasets.
As a PhD student in Lancaster’s Space and Planetary Physics (SPP) group you will conduct cutting-edge research in the company of world-leading scientists. You will develop and exploit skills in computer-based data analysis and interpretation of satellite data products. To facilitate this will receive a programme of training in the scientific and technical background required to conduct your research, and in the written and oral presentation skills required to disseminate your results to the international scientific community and general audiences. Applicants should hold a minimum of a UK honours Degree at 2:1 level or equivalent in a subject such as Physics or Geophysics.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Dr Maria Walach
Earth’s magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system is driven by the solar wind and coupled through plasma dynamics and global electromagnetic fields. This coupled MIA system can be understood as a dynamic network of interacting parts. Distinct regions in space (e.g. radiation belts, plasma sheet, ionosphere, neutral atmosphere) are connected via the Earth’s magnetic field. Measurements of the dynamics in each region exist but these are often point measurements of dynamic processes that vary across space and time. A major challenge is to make sense of vast measurement databases and build an integrated understanding of the dynamics. Modern machine learning methods such as Graph Neural Networks can help us solve these problems to make sense of the data chaos.
You will use machine learning methods on different types of measurements (e.g. ground-based radar and magnetometer measurements) as well as measurements from spacecraft missions to infer the links between the electrodynamics of different regions in space surrounding Earth. Your PhD project will exploit link prediction and clustering of data to evaluate physical links between distinct regions in space, and other methods to understand our dynamic system.
A minimum of a 2:1 UK honours degree or equivalent is a requirement. It would be beneficial to have a mathematics/computer science background with an interest in space physics, or a physics background with an interest in machine learning. Prior programming knowledge would be highly beneficial, alongside a passion for research, and an inquisitive attitude.
Please contact Maria Walach ( for further information.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
About the Project
Supervisors: Dr Thomas Jones (Earth Science & Physical Geography, Lancaster Environment Centre) and Dr Maria-Theresia Walach (Space and Planetary Physics Group, Astrophysics, Department of Physics)
cy bodies within our solar system represent prime candidates for extraterrestrial life. These bodies (e.g., Europa, Enceladus, Triton) have a solid ice shell/surface crust with an underlying liquid ocean that may support life. On all icy worlds, cryo-volcanic eruptions occur when the surface crust is breached, and a jet of water vapour and ice is expelled into the atmosphere. However, we currently lack good physical models of these jets and associated plumes.
In this PhD project you will perform laboratory investigations in the multi-million-pound Geophysical Fluid Dynamics labs at Lancaster. You will use a novel set of analogue experiments scaled for different gravity conditions and different atmospheres to unravel the jet/plume dynamics on different icy bodies and uncover information about the dispersed plumes, which is critical information for space missions. Lastly, you will test these new insights with remotely sensed observations on selected bodies by mapping the plume deposits.
General eligibility criteria: Applicants would normally be expected to hold a minimum of a UK Honours degree at 2:1 level or equivalent in a relevant degree course.
Project specific criteria: The ideal candidate will have an interest in planetary science and conducting laboratory experiments. Applicants may have a range of backgrounds from physics, environmental sciences, maths and engineering. No specific subject knowledge is needed to apply for this PhD, subject training and support will be provided as part of this interdisciplinary project.
A tax-free stipend will be paid at the standard UKRI rate; £19,237 in 2024/25. This is a fully funded studentship of 3.5 years for UK/Home students.
How to Apply
Interested applicants are welcome to get in touch to learn more about the PhD project. Please contact Dr Thomas Jones for more information.
- Please complete the Natural Sciences Funded PhD Application Form
- Please submit your CV and two references to as Word or PDF files.
- You will receive a generic acknowledgement in receipt of successfully sending the application documents.
- Please note that only applications submitted as per these instructions will be considered.
- Please note that, if English is not your first language, you will be required to provide evidence of your proficiency in English. This evidence is only required if you are offered a funded PhD and is not required as part of this application process.
- Please note that, if you do not hear from us within four weeks of the closing date then you have been unsuccessful on this occasion. If you would like feedback on your application, please contact the supervisors of the project.
- Deadline for candidate applications: 28th April 2025
- Provisional Interview Date: May 2025
- Start Date: October 2025
Further Reading
- Hajimirza, S., Jones, T.J., Moreland, W.M., Gonnermann, H.M. and Thordarson, T., 2022. Quantifying the water‐to‐melt mass ratio and its impact on eruption plumes during explosive hydromagmatic eruptions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(5), p.e2021GC010160.
- Soderblom, L.A., Kieffer, S.W., Becker, T.L., Brown, R.H., Cook, A.F., Hansen, C.J., Johnson, T.V., Kirk, R.L. and Shoemaker, E.M., 1990. Triton's geyser-like plumes: Discovery and basic characterization. Science, 250(4979), pp.410-415.
- Manga, M. and Wang, C.Y., 2007. Pressurized oceans and the eruption of liquid water on Europa and Enceladus. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(7).
- Manga, M. and Rudolph, M., 2023. Enceladus erupts. Physics Today, 76(1), pp.62-63.
Experimental Particle Physics
Dr Harald Fox
The discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012 showed us the principal way in which the breaking of the electroweak symmetry is realised in nature. However, several aspects of that mechanism are still being investigated. Two examples are the matter–anti–matter symmetry (CP) of the new Higgs boson, and the existence of further bosons in addition to the Higgs. At Lancaster we are analysing ATLAS data collected at the LHC in the hadronic di-tau final state.
The di-tau final state is the most accessible final state where the Higgs boson couples to fermions directly. This signal allows us to measure the CP properties of the Higgs boson. The Standard Model predicts a CP-even scalar Higgs with no CP violation in the production or decay. On the other hand, we know that there is not enough CP violation in the quark sector of the Standard Model to explain the existence of the universe. Observation of a new source of CP violation is hence necessary. Measuring the Higgs couplings and its CP properties is hence an important test for the Standard Model.
While the existence of the Higgs boson confirms the electroweak phase transition via a symmetry-breaking potential, the shape of the potential and the exact nature of the mechanism is not constrained by theory or measurements so far. We use the di-tau final state to search for additional scalars to test models of the phase transition.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Dr James Ferrando
"Exclusive hadronic decays of the W-boson are predicted by the Standard Model but have never been observed. Depending on the decay mode, the expected branching fractions could be as high as 1 per million. This project aims to exploit the large sample of > 100 million top-quark-pair production events available from Run 2 of the LHC to search for such decays, as well as new similarly sized datasets from Run 3. Each top quark decays to a bottom quark and W-boson. Exclusive W decay events can then be searched for by requiring that one W Boson decays to a charged lepton and neutrino and then studying the decay of the other W boson.
For this project it is envisaged to study exclusive W-decays into a vector-meson and lepton pair (e.g. W-> e + nu + J/Psi). The branching ratio for such decays has been recently calculated and found to lie in the 10-^-6 -> 10^-7 range, making them accessible with the full LHC Run2 and Run 3 data.
In addition to the analysis of ttbar datasets, it is planned to study and develop dedicated triggers for exclusive decays in direct W production as part of this PhD project. If successfully deployed these could potentially enhance the searchable sample of W bosons by two orders of magnitude compared to the top-quark pair production dataset.
Students interested in this PhD project should apply via the Lancaster University admission system. Applicants are normally expected to have the equivalent of a first (1) or upper second (2.1) degree class in Physics or Astrophysics. The Lancaster Physics Department holds an Athena SWAN silver award and JUNO Champion status and is strongly committed to fostering inclusion and diversity within its community."
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025
Professor Roger Jones
- PhDs will analyse new data from the world’s largest collider, LHC, situated in CERN. Data taken in years 2022-2026 - which will represent statistically highest sample of Bs mesons taken since far. It also has the option of studying rare decays of strange mesons with the very large NA62 experiment datasets.
- After the enormous success of LHC by finding Higgs particle, CERN has opened a new chapter to search for New Physics, that is theoretically expected but not discovered yet.
- There are various methods to search for New Physics. High precision measurements of meson decays belong to a category of searches where New SUSY particles are produced virtually, would alter these decays so they will not follow rules of Standard Model.
- Lancaster plays a leading role in the ATLAS search for SUSY in the CP violation and the lifetimes of Bs decays. This already led to 5 publications in influential High Energy Journals. In Nov 2024 we published the world’s best precision of Bd lifetime measurement in search for deviations from Standard Model due to SUSY effects. In addition to physics interest this measurement served as a high precision test of detectors performance calibration - needed for the topologically consistent Bs channel.
- Lancaster also has a central role in the rare decay experiment NA62, which recently made the first ‘observation’ level measurement of the decay 𝐾+ → 𝜋+𝜈𝜈̅ at a rate about 50% higher than expected from the standard model. Although this excess is still compatible with being a statistical fluctuation, it could also be caused by the presence of new particles which enhance the probability of the process. More data are needed to test this intriguing hypothesis. With data-collection ongoing, NA62 will be soon able to confirm the existence of contributions to the decay from new physics, or otherwise place strong constraints on the size of any such possible contributions.
- Our search for SUSY effects will continue with Bs meson data collected in 2022-2026, with unprecedentedly high statistics samples.
Physics analysis:
- For future PhD students we propose the physics measurements, using 2022-2026 data. Firstly, search for a presence of SUSY particles in the CP violation and the lifetime of Bs meson using two decay channels Bs ➔J/ψφ and Bs ➔J/ψKK. These two decays are complementary to each other, and the final conclusion on both CP effects and lifetime can be only done by performing both. In addition using the 2022-2026 data for the Bd lifetime measurement in search for deviations from Standard Model due to SUSY effects as well as serving as a high precision test of detectors performance & calibrations - needed for the topologically consistent Bs channel.
- We offer our future PhD students an opportunity to learn skills of high precision Particle physics analysis.
- The expertise students will acquire will span over large range:
- Fast online data processing - with smart processors rejecting huge amount (40 millions) of unwanted events produced each second to accept ~400 of wanted events. The online Bs meson processing is revisited after each year of data taking depending on conditions.
- The main Lancaster NA62 analysis is of the decay of the 𝐾+ → 𝜋+𝜈𝜈̅, which offers exciting options of new physics discoveries. However, other possibilities are open, including the search for dark matter candidates.
- NA62 presents many opportunities to learn about detector systems and triggering, with a large scope for ‘hands-on’ experience.
- Distributed Computing: As soon as decays are recorded they are processed and analyses at the largest world-wide grid of computers, after which they come to final stage analysis.
- Mathematical Modelling: This is key to our final physics analyses. We use both numerical and analytical methods, particularly for fitting and minimisation based on probability distribution functions.
- High precision, working close to the limits of traditional computer precision.
- Planning for future experiments: Future PhD students can also participate with our team to make projections for the high precession measurements of Bs and Bd meson in the future High Luminosity-LHC collider (operational from 2030), or the planned KOTO-II strange particle experiment in Japan.
Students interested in this PhD project should apply via the Lancaster University admission system. Applicants are normally expected to have the equivalent of a first (1) or upper second (2.1) degree class in Physics or Astrophysics. The Lancaster Physics Department holds an Athena SWAN silver award and JUNO Champion status and is strongly committed to fostering inclusion and diversity within its community."
Funding is available on a competitive basis.
PhD Projects in Detector Development
Dr Harald Fox
Future particle experiments will impose extreme requirements on their tracking detectors, taking today's silicon sensor technology to the very limit. To extend the physics reach of the LHC for example, upgrades to the accelerator are planned that will increase the peak luminosity by a factor 5 to 10. This will lead to much-increased occupancy and radiation damage of the sub-detectors, requiring the exchange of the current inner trackers with all-silicon ones.
Lancaster has a long-standing tradition of silicon detector R&D in CERN's RD50 collaboration and is now focusing on R&D for future pixel detectors – the innermost sub-detector of particle physics experiments and thus exposed to the harshest conditions.
Possible PhD projects would include irradiation and characterisation of planar pixel sensors, which are being produced for LHC detector upgrades like ATLAS.
Beyond those, the PhD project may also involve the characterisation of novel HV-CMOS pixel sensors which promise very good radiation tolerance while being extremely lightweight and cost-efficient. These are considered the baseline choice for the upgrades of LHCb and other experiments like EIC, as well as future collider experiments. The first large-area prototype chip has been received from the foundry. Initial tests of this chip have begun. Results and in-depths characterisations are eagerly awaited by the community and could be part of the PhD project.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025.
Students interested in this PhD project should apply via the Lancaster University admission system. Applicants are normally expected to have the equivalent of a first (1) or upper second (2.1) degree class in Physics or Astrophysics. The Lancaster Physics Department holds an Athena SWAN silver award and JUNO Champion status and is strongly committed to fostering inclusion and diversity within its community.
PhD Projects on the Neutrino Programme
Professor Helen O’Keeffe
Precision measurements of neutrino oscillations could help understand why the universe is dominated by matter. Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) is a current generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment located in Japan. The T2K experiment uses an intense beam of neutrinos produced by the J-PARC accelerator complex. The beam is characterised by detectors located 280 m (ND280) and 295 km (Super-K) downstream of the neutrino production point. The T2K near detector (ND280) has been recently upgraded, which provides an exciting opportunity to improve particle identification and event selection methods that are used in cross-section and oscillation analyses.
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that is currently under construction in Japan. Hyper-Kamiokande will have greater sensitivity to CP-violation in the neutrino sector and will also undertake a rich programme of physics, including studies of proton decay, atmospheric and solar neutrinos, and neutrinos emitted by a supernova.
This studentship will focus on analysis of data from the T2K experiment and its use in the measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters. The student will also be involved with the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment, participating the design of triggers for use in the experiment and/or physics sensitivity studies. Long- and short-term visits to Japan to support data taking (T2K) and/or construction (Hyper-Kamiokande) are possible.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31st January 2025
Accelerator Physics
Dr Jonathan Gratus (Lancaster University, Physics) and Professor Graeme Burt (Lancaster University, Engineering)
Particle-in-cell (PIC) codes are essential for the numerical simulation of charged particles in both conventional accelerators and plasmas. They are used extensively for understanding of the physics and design of future machines. A typical code may have to track billions of particles and may need to run on high performance computer clusters.
We are investigating a revolutionary new method which promises to dramatically reduce the computation needed for simulations. This method increases the dynamical information of each particle while reducing the total number of particles.
To aid in this task we need an enthusiastic PhD student to incorporate the new dynamical equations into existing PIC codes and compare the results with standard simulations. Our principle focus will be on klystrons.
The student will become a member of the Cockcroft Institute and will participate in the Cockcroft Institute Education and Training Programme, whereby they will participate in a lecture programme over the first 2 years of study in addition to their work on their project. The candidate should have at least a 2:1 or equivalent in maths, physics or engineering and have a solid understanding of mathematical concepts and theory. However, applicants who have gained experience in relevant fields through non-traditional routes are strongly encouraged to apply. We welcome applications from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) candidates, candidates who are in the first generation of their family to go to university, candidates who have been in care or who have been a young carer, and candidates from a low-income background
Funding and eligibility: This is competitively funded. UK and other students are eligible to apply, although overseas students may be required to secure additional funding.
Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Dr Jonathan Gratus ( for more information.
How to apply
Cockcroft Institute, PhD-opportunities
Lancaster University PhD opportunities
Anticipated Start Date: October 2025 for 3.5 Years
Dr Ian Bailey
In collaboration with our partners in the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology, the accelerator physics group in the department of physics at the Lancaster University is inviting applications for a PhD studentship which will commence in September 2025.
Accelerator physicists build the tools to address fundamental questions about the nature of the world: from particle physics to biology. To generate particle beams with higher energies or higher intensities than those available today requires innovations which range from the highly theoretical to hands-on engineering and technical work. This project gives you the opportunity to join the accelerator physics community by carrying out research on producing intense x-rays beams to study the world around us on the smallest spatial scales and shortest time scales. Even images of nuclear processes that occur on attosecond time scales might be accessible to such machines.
Specialised particle accelerator facilities called ‘free electron lasers’ (FEL) can produce laser-like light at x-ray wavelengths inaccessible to conventional lasers, and rely on the ‘microbunching’ of electron beams for their operation. Although desirable in some parts of the accelerator, this same microbunching effect can also occur in places where it will degrade the quality of the electron beam, and limit the properties of the x-rays that can be produced. The careful simulation and control of the ‘microbunching instability’ (MBI) is therefore essential for optimising the operation of current and future FELs.
The initial focus of this project is on the role that the MBI plays in the ‘bunch compressor’ magnets used in FELs where maintaining small transverse beam sizes and small energy spreads is vital for efficient FEL operation. As MBI effects can occur quite generally whenever there are feedback mechanisms coupling together the spatial distribution and energy distribution of particles, there is also wide interest in the accurate simulation of MBI effects across many other particle accelerator projects which rely on the transport of high-brightness electron beams.
Qualifications applicants should have/expect to receive
The successful candidate will have or expect to obtain a first or upper second-class degree or equivalent (e.g. MPhys, MSci) in physics. Some experience of computer simulations is also desirable. It’s expected that most candidates will have limited knowledge of accelerator physics, and full training in this area will be provided.
Funding and eligibility
The project is fully funded for UK citizens by the Science and Technology Facilities Council for 3.5 years, but applications are also welcome from citizens of other countries. A full package of training and support will be provided by the Cockcroft Institute where the student will be part of a vibrant accelerator research and education community of over 150 people.
Lancaster Physics Department is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our department.
Please contact Dr Ian Bailey for further information.
You can apply directly stating the title of the project and the name of the supervisor.
Low Temperature Physics
Professor Jonathan Prance
The ability to cool materials to millikelvin temperatures has been the foundation of many breakthroughs in condensed matter physics and nanotechnology. At this frontier, quantum behaviour can be studied by making devices smaller and colder, increasing coherence across the system. The goal of this project is to apply a new technique – on-chip demagnetisation refrigeration – to reach temperatures below 1 millikelvin in a range of nanoelectronic structures. This will open a new temperature range for nanoscale physics.
As experiments are pushed into the sub-millikelvin regime, it becomes increasingly difficult to measure and define the temperature of a material or device. The thermal coupling between various sub-systems in can be extremely small; for example, the electrons in the metal wires contacting an on-chip structure can be at a different temperature to the electrons in the chip, the phonons in the chip, and the apparatus that you are using to cool it. This situation calls for a variety of thermometry techniques, each suited to measuring the temperature of a different physical system. The thermometers must also have extremely low heat dissipation and excellent isolation from the room temperature environment. This project will include the development of new and existing thermometry techniques that are suitable for sub-millikelvin temperatures.
Devices will be produced in the Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre cleanroom, and by our collaborators. Experiments will be conducted using the cutting-edge facilities of the Ultralow Temperature Physics group at Lancaster.
You are expected to have a strong interest in and preferably knowledge of:
- electrical measurements of nanoscale devices
- cryogenic techniques
- nanofabrication
- data acquisition using Python or MatLab
Professor Yuri Pashkin
We are seeking PhD students to study electron transport in nanoscale electronic devices based on two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). TMDCs exhibit a unique combination of atomic-scale thickness, direct bandgap, strong spin–orbit coupling and favourable electronic and mechanical properties, which make them interesting for fundamental studies and for applications in high-end electronics, spintronics, etc. Because of its robustness, MoS2 is the most studied material in this family which holds the promise of delivering new rich physics and applications in low-power electronics.
The project will focus on charge transport measurements in nanoscale MoS2-based field-effect transistors and devices with the aim to understand
The work is experimental and involves device characterisation at mK temperatures in a dilution refrigerator. The project will be undertaken in close collaboration with Tyndall National Institute – Cork, the research centre with strong expertise in nanofabrication, including fabrication of TMDC-based devices.
You are expected to have a strong interest and preferably knowledge in the field of
- nanoelectronic devices
- quantum physics
- low-noise measurements
- microwave engineering
- automation of the experiment
- data acquisition using Python or MatLab
- cryogenic techniques
The rapid progress of the field of TMDCs is reflected in the large number of scientists working on these materials and in the large number of publications. However, the field is in many ways still in its infancy stage, which promise many more exciting discoveries and real-world applications.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.
Professor Yuri Pashkin
We are seeking PhD students to develop and characterise quantum electronic devices for the dark matter search experiments. This project will be part of the joint interdisciplinary effort undertaken by academics from several UK universities and researchers from the National Physical Laboratory aimed at running and improving the haloscope launched at the University of Sheffield. The haloscope was built in Phase 1 of the National Programme “Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics” supported by STFC, and is the only UK facility of this type. The focus will be on superconducting parametric amplifiers operating at mK temperatures as the first amplification stage in the detection chain of the haloscope, but the work may include characterisation of high-quality factor cavities and other microwave components as part of the measurement setup.
The work is experimental and involves device characterisation at mK temperatures in a dilution refrigerator. The project will be undertaken in the Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre in close collaboration with the members of the consortium.
You are expected to have a strong interest and preferably knowledge in the field of
- superconducting devices;
- quantum physics;
- low-noise measurements;
- microwave engineering;
- automation of the experiment, data acquisition and analysis using Python or MatLab;
- cryogenic techniques.
As the efforts for the dark matter search in the past decade have been intensified worldwide, the whole field is experiencing rapid growth which is reflected in the growing number of scientists working in this field as well as increasing number of publications. The sensing technologies developed within this project may lead to exciting discoveries and applications in other sectors.
Non-Linear and Biomedical Physics
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
Neurovascular coupling is essential for the functioning of the brain. Recent studies show that its efficiency changes with ageing or dementia. However, a plausible model of the interactions between the vasculature, astrocytes, and the neurons in the brain is still missing. Current models are mainly based on linear approaches and use a large number of differential equations to describe flows and concentrations of metabolites in relevant compartments of the brain. Such models are based on closed-system assumptions and focus on relationships between magnitudes of physical quantities involved.
This project will investigate the potential advantages of models based on networks of phase oscillators that do not include any closed-system assumptions. Coupled nonautonomous phase oscillators will be used to represent the metabolic processes occurring within brain cells. Within the context of the model to be developed, the interactions between astrocytes and neurons and their changes with ageing and dementia, will be investigated. The modelling will be tested by comparison with recent experimental studies in healthy subjects of different ages, as well as with studies in subjects with Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics, natural sciences, or computational neuroscience.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
The lungs and the heart can be perceived as a pair of coupled oscillators. One of the coupling pathways is relatively well understood and results in variations in the frequency of the heart beat caused by the amplitude of respiration. It is known as respiratory sinus arrythmia. The coupling mechanism is also known in physics as amplitude-to-frequency coupling. The resultant variation of the heart rate has mainly been studied within the framework of random walks in statistical physics. Here we propose an approach to the problem based on non-autonomous dynamics.
To investigate possible coupling mechanisms, data-sets recorded in various earlier studies by the group will be utilised. Data from both the awake and anaesthetised states, and at various ambient temperatures in the awake state, will be used to investigate all possible coupling scenarios. The results will then be used to build a model of cardio-respiratory interactions as coupled non-autonomous oscillators. In formulating the model, mechanisms such as intermittent synchronization will be considered and phase-reduction methods will be applied. We will seek to develop analytically the link between theoretical phase reduction methods for time-variable systems with phases assigned by e.g. the wavelet transform (as extracted via ridges or nonlinear mode decomposition). From here, we will then apply data analysis methods to numerical simulations of systems exhibiting the various finite-time-dynamical phenomena that will be uncovered from the data, to determine the couplings, for which we will then provide a theoretical formulation.
The model will be used to optimise the level of cardio-respiratory interactions in subjects with assisted respiration, e.g. due to asthma, or in subjects with tetraplegia. The final result of the project will be an algorithm that may be built into a system being developed by our industrial partner.
During the project the student will learn time-series analysis methods for nonlinear, nonautonomous systems, theory of oscillatory nonautonomous systems and become familiar with the physiology of the cardio-respiratory system. The potential outcome of the project will be an algorithm that may be used in practical applications, with potential to improve the quality of life for many individuals. It is suitable for candidates with a strong theoretical background that seek to be challenged by a real-world application and to make a practical impact.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics or natural sciences, or the equivalent.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
By bringing together optics, modern computational facilities, the growing understanding of nonlinear oscillators and their mutual interactions, and wireless connectivity, it is planned to create a novel diagnostic instrument to determine the health of the human endothelium – the inner lining of all the blood vessels, and essential for our immune system. In each individual, the endothelium occupies an area equal to a football pitch making it a major organ of the body. It orchestrates the dynamics of blood circulation including the continuous distribution and exchange of nutrients and oxygen with all the cells of the body and the removal of waste products. Recently, the state of health of the endothelium has been shown to play a crucial role in determining the severity of Covid-19. Although the condition of the endothelium is of crucial importance for general health and the immune response, it has been extremely difficult to measure up to now. So, the new “endotheliometer” is likely to be valuable to GPs and other health professionals.
This interdisciplinary project will be based on novel methods for data analysis developed at Lancaster now available in the MODA toolbox
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics, natural sciences, or biomedical engineering.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
The famous Hodgkin-Huxley model describes an action potential in the axon of a neurone. It is an excellent example of how, by combining experiment and theory, physics can help resolve important questions in biology. It is arguably still the most realistic model of a living system. However, it assumes that the voltage across the membrane is constant, and to fulfil this condition in the experiments the voltage was clamped. In reality, however, the voltage fluctuates continuously in living cells, and the physics behind the fluctuations of the membrane potential therefore needs to be revisited. Recent advances in technology now enable the simultaneous recording of ionic concentrations, pH, cell volume, and production of the ATP that fuels the operation of ion pumps in the membrane.
This project aims to propose a new physics of the living cell by combining the experimental data obtained from simultaneous measurements, time-series analysis using novel methods developed at Lancaster now available in the MODA toolbox, and the new physics of nonautonomous dynamical systems. Phase coherence and synchronisation will be analysed to assess the stability of interactions, to characterise the normal and dysfunctional states a cell, and to build the new model.
The model will help integrate existing biological knowledge about individual components of the cell. It will provide unifying principles of functioning for both excitable and none-executable cells, and will thus pave new ways to modelling the brain in health and disease.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics, natural sciences, or computational biology.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
Dr Dmitry Zmeev
Professor Peter McClintock
Turbulence is ubiquitous in the real world and affects almost every aspect of our daily lives, including transport, energy production, climate, and biological processes. Despite its universal importance, turbulence is not well understood. Richard Feynman called it the "most important unsolved problem of classical physics". Turbulence is hard to understand at a fundamental level because of the complexity of turbulent motion of the fluid over an extremely wide range of length scales. Quantum mechanics often makes complex problems conceptually simpler, and quantum turbulence (QT) in superfluids is a prime example. At low temperatures, superfluids are the closest attainable approximation to an ideal fluid in that they can flow without friction, are (almost) incompressible, and their vortices are quantised, making all of them identical. Like classical turbulence, QT is a non-equilibrium phenomenon: remove the driving force, and it decays – though perhaps not completely in superfluid 4He due to residual quantised vortices pinned metastably to the walls. The creation of QT in the superfluid usually seems to be "seeded" by such remanent vortices.
An experiment is being developed to investigate the creation and expansion of QT in superfluid 4He held within a pill-box shaped vessel fixed to a high-Q torsional oscillator at millikelvin temperatures. Tiny changes in the oscillator’s resonant frequency and damping will yield information about remanent vortices, the pinning of their ends to the vessel’s walls, and the critical velocities needed for their expansion and creation of QT. In a second experiment, a levitated superconducting sphere will be moved in a controlled way through the superfluid to explore the mechanisms of QT creation in even closer detail.
These experiments will produce a vast profusion of data, which will require detailed analysis by state-of-the-art methods of analysis for turbulent and non-autonomous dynamics, and methods to extract information about the QT. The student can contribute to all aspects of this collaborative research project, but will be expected to take a particular responsibility for data analysis. The methods which they will learn, develop and apply will also have very wide applications across science, technology, finance and the social sciences. The enterprise is supported by a new £1.2M research grant from EPSRC.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics or natural sciences, or the equivalent.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
Professor Peter McClintock
The electron system that can be created on the surface of superfluid helium has some remarkable properties. The electrons can move freely, without dissipation, over the interface between the vacuum above and a surface that is almost perfect. Recently, it has been shown that, under the right conditions, this system exhibits chronotaxic dynamics – a phenomenon previously associated exclusively with biological systems.
The identification of this new class of non-autonomous oscillatory dynamical systems by the Lancaster group represented a major advance in the understanding of time-varying dynamics. These are oscillators whose characteristic frequencies vary in time, in contrast to e.g. the simple pendulum and many other familiar physical oscillators. Chronotaxic systems can be regarded as one manifestation of the thermodynamically open systems that abound in nature, and especially in biology. In collaboration with scientists at Riken in Japan, we have identified chronotaxic behaviour of the currents recorded for the electron gas on the superfluid surface.
The aim of this PhD research project is to explain the physical origin of the oscillations of variable frequency observed in the experiments, and to provide a theoretical model of the experimental results, thus expanding and generalising the theory of chronotaxic non-autonomous dynamical systems and linking it to quantum computing.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics or natural sciences, or the equivalent.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Professor Aneta Stefanovska, Physics
Dr Suzana Ilic, Environmental Science
Professor Peter McClintock, Physics
Occasionally, rogue waves – with wave heights much larger than those of their neighbours – appear on the ocean and can sometimes overwhelm even the largest vessels e.g. supertankers. Their origins are still a mystery, but a theory suggesting that their creation mechanism involves nonlinear interactions between smaller, conventional, usually wind-blown, surface waves is the best candidate to explain their formation. To seek experimental evidence in order to test this idea, experiments have been carried out in the Marintek wave basin in Trondheim, Norway. The result is a large volume of time series data, some of which shows clear evidence of rogue waves, but which has yet to be analysed. The PhD project is to analyse the Marintek data using state-of-the-art time-series analysis methods, many of which have been developed at Lancaster and are available in MODA toolbox in order to investigate the hydrodynamic conditions under which rogue waves are created. In particular, evidence will be sought for the growth of rogue waves through nonlinear mutual phase interactions between smaller waves. It is a challenging problem involving spatio-temporal dynamics, but it is clear that the results could be extremely important.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics or natural sciences, or the equivalent.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Professor Aneta Stefanovska
Professor Peter McClintock
Dr Dmitri Luchinsky
For a billion years, life has been crucially dependent on ion channels for selective control of the fluxes of ions into and out of biological cells, with evolution fine-tuning each kind of channel to be optimal in its particular role. Very recently, humans have fabricated artificial channels and pores from solid state materials, aiming to emulate and extend many of the functions of biological channels in more robust formats. A whole new sub-nanoscale technology has started to develop, with applications to e.g. fuel cells, water desalination, gas and isotope separation, lithium extraction, DNA sequencing, water pumps, field effect ionic transistors, and “blue energy” harvesting.
Not surprisingly, artificial channels are still, in general, much less efficient than biological ones. For example, they are less selective to particular ionic species and the fluxes they pass tend to be smaller. They are difficult to design, partly because there is still no satisfactory general theory of how an ion permeates through a channel. Hence design usually relies on experiments and heavy-duty molecular dynamics simulations, coupled with trial-and-error – which is slow, and therefore inefficient and expensive, because the parameter space is huge.
We therefore propose a different approach, building on our 2015 discovery of Coulomb blockade in biological ion channels, on our new statistical physics theory of the ionic permeation process, and on our recent and ongoing numerical simulations of pores and channels in artificial membranes. There is probably a great deal to learn from how Nature has “designed” biological channels through evolution over hundreds of millions of years, so that biomimetic approaches are likely to be useful in the understanding and design of artificial channels.
The aims of the project are to develop theory and numerical tools that enable the prediction and control of free energy landscapes, selectivity and conductivity of artificial nanodevices. These methods will be applied to the design and optimization of nano-pumps, nano-sensors, and energy-harvesting nanodevices. It is expected that the successful applicant will use molecular dynamics and Brownian dynamics simulations to verify and validate the results obtained.
We are looking for a student with enthusiasm for theoretical physics and with some prior experience of computational and numerical work.
The applicant will be expected to have a first or upper second-class degree in physics, applied mathematics or natural sciences, or the equivalent.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Aneta Stefanovska for further information.
Quantum Nanotechnology
Quantum Nanotechnology PhDs accordion accordion
Dr Qiandong Zhuang
This project aims to establish new research in III-V nanowires on silicon for advanced photoceptors and/or nanolasers based on silicon
One-dimensional semiconductor nanowires have a number of photonic favourable advantages, such as enhanced light absorption, efficient carrier separation, freedom on device design and non-restrict on substrate. These enable it to be a promising build block for next generation photonic devices such as photodetectors, nanolasers, high-speed transistors and spintronics etc. Due to the readily growth ion silicon substrates, this material also provides a promising route towards integration with silicon circuits. Tis project will develop molecular beam epitaxy of III-V nanowires on silicon or other 2-D materials and to explore its device applications for either photodetectors or lasers.
The student will gain experience and expertise in molecular beam epitaxy, semiconductor materials characterization, device fabrication in cleanroom, and device characterizations (either photodetectors or lasers).
Professor Manus Hayne
Computers are based on the von Neumann architecture in which the processing and memory unit are largely separated, requiring information to be shuffled to and fro, which is inefficient and creates a bottleneck. This is particularly disadvantageous for activities that are memory intensive, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
An alternative is in-memory computing [1, 2], in which certain algorithms are performed within the memory unit. This is less flexible than the traditional von Neumann approach, but has huge potential in terms of computational time and energy saved for memory intensive tasks involving operations that are performed huge numbers of times. These could be common logical functions such as AND and OR, or matrix-vector multiplications which comprise between 70% and 90 % of the deep-learning operations in speech, language and vision recognition [2]. Many conventional and emerging memory technologies have been investigated for in-memory computing, such as SRAM, DRAM, flash, phase change memory, resistive RAM, and very recently MRAM [3]. However, memory technologies with very fast, low-energy switching, high endurance (and low disturb) are required to fulfil the potential of in-memory computing and compete with the conventional CMOS-based approach [1].
ULTRARAM™ is a patented Lancaster memory technology with a non-volatile storage time of at least 1000 years, an endurance in excess of 10 million program/erase cycles, non-destructive read, low disturb, a switching energy that is 100 times lower per unit area than DRAM, and intrinsic sub-ns switching speeds [4]. It has huge potential as a conventional memory, but also for in-memory computing.
The PhD project will be the first to investigate ULTRARAM™ for in-memory computing. The research will involve modelling (at different scales), and designing, fabricating and testing some simple ULTRARAM™ for in-memory computing circuits to show proof of principle.
This PhD is offered in collaboration with Quinas Technology. Funding for UK students is available on a competitive basis.
[1] ‘Memory devices and applications for in-memory computing’, A. Sebastian et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 529 (2020) [Link]
[2] ‘In-memory Computing for AI Applications’, E. Eleftheriou, 16th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers, 18-20 January 2021 [YouTube]
[4] ‘A crossbar array of magnetoresistive memory devices for in-memory computing’, Jung et al., Nature 601, 211 (2022) [Link]
[3] ‘ULTRARAM: a low-energy, high-endurance, compound-semiconductor memory on silicon’, P. D. Hodgson, D. Lane et al. [Link]
Dr Qiandong Zhuang
This project aims to develop advanced sensing technologies based on laser spectroscopy for non-invasive biomedical diagnosis.
There is increasing demand on non-invasive wearable medical sensors capable of providing fast and continuous real-time monitoring of physiological variables, e.g. partial O2 (pO2), partial CO2 (pCO2), glucose, lactate etc, which have close correlation with many chronic diseases and stroke, hence, such medical sensors are pivotal for the management of numerous medical conditions. A typical example is diabetes, 4 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes[1] — about 10% with type 1, and the rest with type 2, which estimated to be increased to 5 million in 2025[2]. Worldwide, about 415 million adults are living with diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation. People with type 1 diabetes may be advised to test their blood-sugar levels four to eight times a day, using invasive needle-prick methods, in order to stay alive. A convenient and non-invasive monitor is a long-standing requirement for management of the condition and would revolutionise patient self-care.
Laser-based spectroscopy has been proposed as one the most promising techniques for this purpose. However, wearable technologies are influenced by movement, sweat, and temperature, which would significantly affect laser accuracy in everyday use. This project aims to overcome these challenges by developing unique multi-pixel sensor arrays with wavelength extended response up to 2.5 um, a spectral range that has strong interaction with biomarkers. AI-assisted algorithms will be developed for data analysis.
[1] Emma Young, Non-invasive glucose monitoring for diabetes: five strategies under development. The Pharmaceutical Journal, 12 OCT 2017
[2] University of Birmingham, New and emerging non-invasive glucose monitoring technologies, NIHR Innovation Observatory, May 2016
Dr Qiandong Zhuang
This project aims to establish new research in III-V/silicon integration for fully functional integrated circuits.
Realisation of efficient laser integrated with electronic circuit is the major development direction of photonic integrated circuit (PIC). It will enable fully functional PIC which has many important applications such as optical communication, on-chip sensors, imaging system, nonlinear optical switching etc. However, room-temperature high-performance lasers on Si are inferior. We will seek the feasibility of two promising technologies towards high-performance laser sources on silicon platform. One is transitional photonic lasers (either edge emitting lasers or photonic crystal surface emitting lasers) on patterned silicon wafer, and the other is surface plasmon polariton lasers on silicon wafers. The patterned epitaxial growth has demonstrated promising future of high-quality semiconductor materials on silicon, together with uniquely designed device integration, this project will demonstrate PICs with monolithically integrated lasers. Plasmon polaritons [Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 027402, 2003] are coupled excitations consisting of charge density wave and electromagnetic field at the metal dielectric interface, which can break optical mode volume to apply optoelectronic integration [9]. Despite room temperature lasers have been demonstrated [Phys. Rev. B 85, 041301, 2012], there are several challenges hamper the realisation of high-performance plasmonic lasers on Si with low consumption, intrinsic loss of metals and heat management of the devices.
The student will gain experience and expertise in molecular beam epitaxy, semiconductor materials characterization and device fabrication in cleanroom, and photodetector assessment, together with theoretical simulation on a variety of new semiconductor photonic devices.
Dr Qiandong Zhuang
This project aims to establish new research in wavelength-extended avalanche photodiode (APD) for single-photon counting with targeting application in biochemical sensors.
The big advance of single-photon counting is the ability to faithfully capture the single quantum of light. This technique has attracted increasing attention globally owing to the critical capability for a wide range of important applications ranging from new low-light sensing to emerging photonic quantum technologies. Its potential has been proved by several demonstrations since 2020, for instance, quantum secured internet communication over 22 Km has been established[1], long-distance single-photon imaging over 200 km has been demonstrated with high sensitivity and temporal resolution[2]; and prototype of single-photon LiDAR imaging for greenhouse gas methane mapping has been demonstrated[3]. However, the detection limit of 1650nm from well-developed Si and InGaAs ADPs restricts the deployment of potential of single photon counting. For example, biochemical sensing applications require photons at longer wavelength, e.g. mid infrared (Mid-IR), e.g. 2 – 5 um. We propose to utilize advanced type II superlattice to extend the ADP responding wavelength into MIR spectral range.
The student will gain experience and expertise in molecular beam epitaxy, semiconductor materials characterization and device fabrication in cleanroom, and photodetector assessment.
[1] Entanglement of two quantum memories via fibers over dozens of km, Yong Yu et al, Nature 578, 240 (2020)
[2] Single-photon imaging over 200 km, Zheng-ping Li et al, Optica 8, 344 (2021)
[3] Single-photon LiDAR gas imagers for continuous monitoring of industrial methane emissions, Murray K. Reed et al, Proceedings 11579, Quantum Photonics: Enabling Technologies; 115790C (2020)
Dr Samuel Jarvis
Project summary – The goal of this PhD project is to develop highly ordered and structurally stable molecular devices. The growth of thermally and mechanically stable molecular nanostructures is a major challenge for retaining the quantum mechanical properties of molecules in real-world and demanding environments. This is especially important in nanoelectrical devices where heat and stress can damage the molecular structure, causing device failure. This PhD project aims to overcome this challenge by developing new methods for step-by-step (atom-by-atom) on-surface synthesis of covalently stabilised molecular wires and devices. Achieving this goal will address a major outstanding challenge in translating functional molecular polymers to technologically relevant materials.
Background – Thin-film molecular layers are exceptionally important for introducing high degrees of functionality to materials. Molecules can be designed with a multitude of different physical properties, ranging from high electrical conductivity, catalytic activity, tuneable optical properties, and much more [1]. These properties are determined by the electronic structure of a molecule, making them well suited for applications in quantum technologies. In particular, on-surface polymerization restricted to one and two dimensions has received considerable recent attention [2]. Not only does covalent cross-linking of molecules greatly increase their stability, on-surface polymerization also enables the growth of unique molecular structures often otherwise impossible to synthesize, including graphene nano ribbons used as molecular wires [3].
At present, the vast majority of molecular nanoscale synthesis is limited to catalytically active metal substrates, where the catalyst metal is required to activate the polymerisation reaction. This results in strong surface coupling causing molecular distortion, orbital broadening, and electrical short-circuits, thus detrimentally affecting molecular properties and severely restricting their application in physical devices. In order to fully realise nanoscale molecular devices, we must instead fabricate molecular wires directly on semiconducting substrates such as SiO2, where they can be directly integrated into nanoelectronic devices. To do this, we will build on recent findings [4] highlighting the potential to fabricate nanoscale molecular structures directly on surfaces using so-called atomic quantum clusters (AQCs).
Project Outline – This project will explore methods to direct the assembly and growth of functional molecules into nanoscale structures and devices. We will study how single molecules with well-defined quantum mechanical properties can be ‘linked’ together into rigid 1D molecular wires or 2D molecular networks, starting with porphyrin and graphene nanoribbon based wires. Single molecule and atomic scale properties will be studied with images of their detailed atomic and electronic structure (with resolution better than 0.1nm). The resulting molecular structures will provide an exciting playground to develop our fundamental understanding of quantum behaviour and molecular interactions at the atomic scale, and ultimately, provide new routes for developing nanoscale electronic devices such as field effect transistors (FETs) [5].
The selected student will have the opportunity to become trained in a broad range of techniques to study a variety of nanoscale materials. This will involve advanced scanning probe microscopy methods capable of imaging single atoms and characterising nanoscale electronic and chemical properties. This work will take place in world-leading facilities including Lancaster’s Quantum Technology Centre and the award winning IsoLab, providing some of the most advanced environments for characterisation in the world. You will work in a vibrant research group, whose research has been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education award for ‘STEM project of the year’ in 2019. You will also become highly trained in nanoscale material fabrication, ultra-high vacuum technology, X-ray spectroscopy, clean room usage, device testing, and use nano-fabrication tools to prepare devices for integration with embedded systems. Students are also expected to publish high impact journal publications and present their work at international meetings and conferences, and will receive opportunities and training for personal and research development.
Interested candidates should contact Dr Samuel Jarvis for further information.
[1] T. Kudernac, S. Lei, J. A. A. W. Elemans, and S. De Feyter, Chem. Soc. Rev. 38, 402 (2009).
[2] L. Grill and S. Hecht, Nature Chemistry, 12, 115 (2020).
[3] P. Ruffieux, S. Wang, B. Yang, C. Sánchez-Sánchez, J. Liu, T. Dienel, et al., Nature 531, 489 (2016).
[4] L. Forcieri, Q. Wu, A. Quadrelli, S. Hou, B. Mangham, N.R. Champness, D. Buceta, M.A. Lopez-Quintela, C.J. Lambert, S.P. Jarvis, Nature Chemistry (under review), (2022).
[5] J.P. Llinas, A. Fairbrother, G.B. Barin, W. Shi,. K. Lee, S. Wu, et al., Nature Communications, 8, 633 (2017).
Dr Samuel Jarvis
Project summary – The goal of this PhD project is to help realise a new generation of switchable molecular devices with the potential to fulfil societal needs for flexible energy harvesting materials, low-power neuromorphic computing, smart textiles, and self-powered patches for healthcare. The possibility of creating these exciting materials derives from a series of world firsts by the supervisory team, demonstrating that room-temperature quantum interference effects can be scaled up from single molecules into molecular layers with the potential to translate quantum interference effects into technologically relevant materials.
Background – Thin-film molecular layers are exceptionally important for introducing high degrees of functionality to materials. Molecules can be designed with a multitude of different physical properties, ranging from high electrical conductivity, catalytic activity, tuneable optical properties, and much more [1]. These properties are determined by the electronic structure of a molecule, making them well suited for applications in quantum technologies. In particular, a technique called on-surface polymerization has received considerable recent attention due to its ability to create unique and stable 1D and 2D molecular structures with an exciting range of quantum mechanical properties [2]. This project is an exciting opportunity to realise these new materials as part of a recently awarded £7m programme of research bringing together a world leading team in molecular electronics [3].
Project Outline – This project will explore methods for surface growth and characterisation of molecular thin films designed to optimise thermoelectric and memristive properties. The successful candidate will develop new methods to prepare highly ordered molecular films including the use of on-surface reactions that can be used to link together molecules with well-defined quantum mechanical properties into rigid 1D molecular wires or 2D molecular networks. Single molecule and atomic scale properties will be studied with Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) which provide images of their detailed atomic and electronic structure (with resolution better than 0.1nm). The resulting molecular structures will provide an exciting playground to develop our fundamental understanding of quantum behaviour and molecular interactions at the atomic scale, and ultimately, provide new routes for developing nanoscale molecular electronic devices.
The selected student will have the opportunity to become trained in a broad range of techniques to study a variety of nanoscale materials. This will involve advanced scanning probe microscopy methods capable of imaging single atoms and characterising nanoscale electronic and chemical properties. This work will take place in world-leading facilities including Lancaster’s Quantum Technology Centre and the award winning IsoLab, providing advanced environments for atomic scale characterisation. You will also become highly trained in nanoscale material fabrication, ultra-high vacuum technology and X-ray spectroscopy. Students are also expected to publish high impact journal publications and present their work at international meetings and conferences, and will receive opportunities and training for personal and research development.
[1] T. Kudernac, S. Lei, J. A. A. W. Elemans, and S. De Feyter, Chem. Soc. Rev. 38, 402 (2009).
[2] L. Grill and S. Hecht, Nature Chemistry, 12, 115 (2020).
Professor Jonathan Prance
Project description
The ability to cool materials to millikelvin temperatures has been the foundation of many breakthroughs in condensed matter physics and nanotechnology. At this frontier, quantum behaviour can be studied by making devices smaller and colder, increasing coherence across the system. The goal of this project is to apply a new technique – on-chip demagnetisation refrigeration – to reach temperatures below 1 millikelvin in a range of nanoelectronic structures. This will open a new temperature range for nanoscale physics.
As experiments are pushed into the sub-millikelvin regime, it becomes increasingly difficult to measure and define the temperature of a material or device. The thermal coupling between various sub-systems in can be extremely small; for example, the electrons in the metal wires contacting an on-chip structure can be at a different temperature to the electrons in the chip, the phonons in the chip, and the apparatus that you are using to cool it. This situation calls for a variety of thermometry techniques, each suited to measuring the temperature of a different physical system. The thermometers must also have extremely low heat dissipation and excellent isolation from the room temperature environment. This project will include the development of new and existing thermometry techniques that are suitable for sub-millikelvin temperatures.
Devices will be produced in the Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre cleanroom, and by our collaborators. Experiments will be conducted using the cutting-edge facilities of the Ultralow Temperature Physics group at Lancaster.
You are expected to have a strong interest in and preferably knowledge of:
- electrical measurements of nanoscale devices
- cryogenic techniques
- nanofabrication
- data acquisition using Python or MatLab
You can apply directly stating the title of the project and the name of the supervisor.
Professor Oleg Kolosov
Project description
Fully funded PhD position on Quantum phenomena and energy conversion in two‐dimensional materials and nanostructures. UK-Greece collaboration in European Research Council (ERC) Project.
The new PhD project is announced at Lancaster University in collaboration with the National Graphene Institute. The project focuses on the exploration of cutting-edge fundamental and applied science of “mixed physics” phenomena – electromechanical, electronic, thermal and thermoelectric - in the explosively expanding area of novel nanostructured two-dimensional materials (2DMs) and their heterostructures.
The recently discovered 2DMs – one atom thick van der Waals-bound perfect atomic layers such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD’s) - MoS2, Nb2Se3, InSe, etc, open unique possibilities for novel electronics, sensors and energy generation and storage. This class of materials offers unique and nature-leading physical properties – relativistic type electron mobility, the highest to the lowest known thermal conductivities, exceptional flexibility while recording strength in mechanical properties, etc.
The project focuses on the largely unexplored area of 2DM’s where physical phenomena of different nature meet – mechanical and electrical, thermal and electronic, mechanical and thermal, initiating beyond-state-of-the-art performing thermoelectrics, nanoscale actuators, super-efficient electronics, memories and sensors. For example, the highest known in nature thermal conductivity of graphene allows to precisely channel nanoscale heat in advanced processors, new TMD heterostructures have unique potential as advanced thermoelectric materials, and exceptional mechanical stiffness and low density of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, coupled with low losses, allows to design in quantum nanoelectromechanical sensors with ultimate sensitivity limited only by the quantum mechanics laws.
The successful applicant will work at Lancaster University Physics Department within one of the world-leading groups in the exploration of physical properties of 2DM’s using scanning probe microscopy (SPM) where novel phenomena of geometrical thermoelectricity (GTE) in graphene and unique nanomechanics of domains in 2D materials heterostructures were discovered.
The project will target the manufacture of novel 2DM nanostructures including nanoconstrictions, heterostructures, suspended membranes and superconductor – 2DM devices using the state-of-the-art e-beam lithography equipped Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre facilities of National Graphene Institute and National Physical Laboratory. The developed nanostructures are studied using state-of-the-art SPMs combined with ultra-high frequency ultrasonic excitation, GHz range Laser Doppler vibrometry and super-sensitive optical interferometry, and microwave superconductor transport techniques, utilising world-leading European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) and ultra-low-nose IsoLab facilities housed at Lancaster Physics.
The Physics Department is holder of Athena SWAN Silver award and Institute of Physics JUNO Championship status and is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our department.
Professor Oleg Kolosov for any additional enquiries. You can also apply directly stating the title of the project and the name of the supervisor.
Professor Manus Hayne
Project description
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are high-speed, compact (low-cost) laser diodes used in laser printing, datacoms and other applications. Their implementation in the Apple iPhone X for facial recognition and motion sensing was soon replicated by other smartphone manufacturers, stimulating a growth in the VCSEL market from $775M in 2015 to an expected $4.7bn in 2024, a compound annual growth rate of 22% [1]. Nevertheless, many consumers and thus manufacturers, don’t like the small cut-out section at the top of the screen that is necessary for the implementation of the VCSEL arrays, preferring to place the VCSEL below the screen. However, achieving this requires VCSELs that emit beyond 1380 nm. Indeed, there are a host of telecoms-related and other applications such as LiDAR that have yet to benefit from VCSELs that emit in the telecoms range (1260 to 1625 nm).
VCSELs work by implementing the mirrors required for the laser cavity in repeated alternating layers of GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs, which have differing refractive indices, to make distributed Bragg reflectors that exploit interference effects. The use of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs is strongly preferred as there is minimal lattice mismatch, despite the refractive index contrast, allowing ~100 layers to be grown with high quality. The problem is that the conventional method of extending the wavelength, via the introduction of In into the quantum wells in the active region, generates strain that limits the emission to wavelengths below 1000 nm.
The project will build on successful collaborative work between IQE and Lancaster developing telecoms wavelength GaSb quantum ring (QR) VCSELs [2]. The objective is to push the emission wavelength beyond 1380 nm and will involve the design, growth, processing and testing of individual VCSEL devices and VCSEL arrays.
This PhD is offered in collaboration with IQE. Funding for UK students is available on a competitive basis.
[1] ‘Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSELs) market’, Transparency Market Research [Link].
[2] ‘Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser’, M. Hayne and P. Hodgson US, Europe, Japan and S Korea patent [Link].
Professor Benjamin Robinson
Project summary: This is an experimental project, based in the Department of Physics at Lancaster University. You will study the electrical and thermoelectric properties of thin films of molecular materials assembled on electrode surfaces to help realise a new generation of molecular devices with the potential to fulfil societal needs for flexible energy harvesting materials.
Background: Green thermoelectricity - the sustainable generation of electricity from waste heat - has the potential to be a key enabling technology in the roadmap to the UK’s target of net zero greenhouse gases by 2050 and a pillar of the efforts to build a viable circular economy by contributing to emerging UK green-industries.
Waste heat generated by information and computing technologies (ICT) is expected to reach 30% of electricity consumption by 2025 and is widely recognised as being unsustainable. If thermoelectric (TE) energy harvesters could be developed, which perform well at relatively low temperatures (<150oC), then waste heat from ICT could be converted back into useful electricity. Energy harvested from the environment and sources such as the human body could also be used to power the internet of things and wearable devices, with engineered thermal management relevant to applications in healthcare, fashion and high-performance clothing.
This project will contribute to these technological challenges and the associated societal and economic benefits by helping to realise large area, thin-film materials and devices on rigid and flexible substrates, designed for TE energy harvesting and cooling. This overarching research challenge will be met, in part, by utilising quantum interference (QI), which introduces additional dynamical range by suppressing current flow at low bias and allows fine control of electrical and thermal conductance.
The project’s goals are aligned with the recently awarded, Lancaster-led, £7.1M EPSRC programme grant, Quantum engineering of energy-efficient molecular materials (QMol)
Project Outline: This project will focus on the thin film growth of novel organic/organometallic compounds by molecular self-assembly and Langmuir-Blodgett deposition and their subsequent characterisation by a range of surface science techniques including scanning probe microscopy.
The project is predominantly experimental, and you will gain interdisciplinary expertise spanning materials design, thin film fabrication, and nanoscale characterisation. You will benefit from Lancaster’s molecular thin film fabrication capabilities and a suite of state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopes to explore the physical processes of thermal and electrical transport in deposited ultra-thin structures. The compounds will be supplied by colleagues in the Departments of Chemistry at Oxford University and Imperial College, London. There will also be opportunities for you to work with colleagues from the Department of Physics at Imperial College to translate your thin films to practical device architectures.
Research Environment: You will benefit from a vibrant working environment and will be part of the QMol consortium incorporating partners across nine leading Universities and 11 industry partners. Through QMol, you will have the opportunity to develop skills in interdisciplinary working through close collaboration with colleagues studying the theory of quantum transport and device fabrication, as well as industry partners from both SMEs and multinational corporations.
You will be trained and supported in other academic skills such as the preparation of high-impact journal publications, and presenting your work at international meetings and conferences, and you will receive opportunities and training for personal and research development. In addition, you will have the opportunity to join in local and national outreach and engagement activities.
Lancaster University is a leading UK university, and the Physics Department at Lancaster University is one of the top in the UK for research. REF2021 rated 98% of our research outputs as world-leading or internationally excellent. The Department is ranked 4th in the UK for Physics in the Guardian University League Tables 2023.
The Department is committed to family-friendly and flexible working policies. We are also strongly committed to fostering diversity within our community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We hold an Athena SWAN Silver award and Institute of Physics Juno Champion status. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our department.
The Candidate: This project will ideally suit a candidate who has an interest in interdisciplinary experimental nanoscience. Knowledge of nanomaterials or experience in either quantum transport, scanning probe microscopy and/or self-assembly of organic monolayers would be advantageous but not compulsory as full training in a wide variety of techniques will be given. You will need to be highly motivated and be able to work as part of a team, ensuring that key milestones are reached. You will be expected to lead discussions and give regular research updates in person with the group leader and in wider research group meetings with the project consortium. The ability to plan your own workload and keep accurate scientific records is important.
General eligibility criteria: This is a highly interdisciplinary project operating at the interface of Physics, Chemistry and device engineering. Applicants would normally be expected to hold a minimum of a UK Honours degree at 2:1 level or equivalent in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or a related area.
Enquiries: Interested applicants are welcome to get in touch to learn more about the PhD project. Please contact Professor Benjamin Robinson, for more information
Professor Benjamin Robinson (Physics)
Project summary: This is an experimental project, based in the Department of Physics at Lancaster University. You will study the electrical switching properties of thin films of organometallic materials assembled on compatible electrode surfaces and in devices capped by 2D films of graphene to help realise a new generation of memristive switching devices with the potential to fulfil societal needs for next generation AI.
The advance of artificial intelligence (AI) represents the largest market opportunity in the history of humankind, estimated to be anywhere between USD 3.5 and 5.8 trillion. However, it also represents a grave environmental challenge. As a typical example, hundreds of millions of daily queries on ChatGPT can cost around 1 GWh each day, equivalent to the daily energy consumption for about 33,000 UK households. This trend is unsustainable, and new approaches are needed now.
The fundamental limitation of modern computing is the rate of data transfer between a processing unit and memory, known as the von Neumann bottleneck. This data transfer not only limits computational speed but is also highly energy intensive. To overcome this bottleneck there is a global demand for new technologies for brain-inspired, neuromorphic, computing within memory.
Memristors are one of the most promising technologies for achieving in-memory computation. Short for “memory resistors”, memristors are considered the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, alongside resistors, capacitors, and inductors. However, in contrast to traditional volatile memory technologies like RAM, which lose data when power is lost, memristors are a class of non-volatile memory, whose resistive state is maintained even when no external power is applied.
This project will contribute to the technological challenges of realising stable, efficient memristive elements formed of highly ordered thin films of organometallic molecules with highly tunable switching mechanisms.
The project’s goals are aligned with the recently awarded, Lancaster-led, £7.1M EPSRC programme grant, Quantum engineering of energy-efficient molecular materials (QMol)
Project Outline: This project will focus on the thin film growth of novel organic/organometallic compounds by molecular self-assembly and Langmuir-Blodgett deposition and their subsequent characterisation by a range of surface science techniques including scanning probe microscopy.
The project is predominantly experimental, and you will gain interdisciplinary expertise spanning materials design, thin film fabrication, and nanoscale characterisation. You will benefit from Lancaster’s molecular thin film fabrication capabilities and a suite of state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopes to explore the physical processes of thermal and electrical transport in deposited ultra-thin structures. The compounds will be supplied by colleagues in the Departments of Chemistry at Oxford University and Imperial College, London. There will also be opportunities for you to work with colleagues from the Department of Physics at Imperial College to translate your thin films to practical device architectures.
Research Environment: You will benefit from a vibrant working environment and will be part of the QMol consortium incorporating partners across nine leading Universities and 11 industry partners. Through QMol, you will have the opportunity to develop skills in interdisciplinary working through close collaboration with colleagues studying the theory of quantum transport and device fabrication, as well as industry partners from both SMEs and multinational corporations.
You will be trained and supported in other academic skills such as the preparation of high-impact journal publications, and presenting your work at international meetings and conferences, and you will receive opportunities and training for personal and research development. In addition, you will have the opportunity to join in local and national outreach and engagement activities.
Lancaster University is a leading UK university, and the Physics Department at Lancaster University is one of the top in the UK for research. REF2021 rated 98% of our research outputs as world-leading or internationally excellent. The Department is ranked 4th in the UK for Physics in the Guardian University League Tables 2023.
The Department is committed to family-friendly and flexible working policies. We are also strongly committed to fostering diversity within our community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We hold an Athena SWAN Silver award and Institute of Physics Juno Champion status. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our department.
The Candidate: This project will ideally suit a candidate who has an interest in interdisciplinary experimental nanoscience. Knowledge of nanomaterials or experience in either quantum transport, scanning probe microscopy and/or self-assembly of organic monolayers would be advantageous but not compulsory as full training in a wide variety of techniques will be given.
You will need to be highly motivated and be able to work as part of a team, ensuring that key milestones are reached. You will be expected to lead discussions and give regular research updates in person with the group leader and in wider research group meetings with the project consortium. The ability to plan your own workload and keep accurate scientific records is important.
General eligibility criteria: This is a highly interdisciplinary project operating at the interface of Physics, Chemistry and device engineering. Applicants would normally be expected to hold a minimum of a UK Honours degree at 2:1 level or equivalent in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or a related area.
Enquiries: Interested applicants are welcome to get in touch to learn more about the PhD project. Please contact Professor Benjamin Robinson, for more information.
Professor Oleg Kolosov
Project details
The new PhD project in fundamental and applied physics is announced at Lancaster University Quantum Technologie Centre (LQTC) in collaboration with the National Scientific Research Centre “Demokritos” (NCSRD) in Athens, Greece, and National Graphene Institute (NGI), UK, the birthplace of Graphene, as part of the announced collaborative European Research Council project.
The challenging and high-reward PhD project will target fundamental physics in two-dimensional (2D) materials, their nanostructures, and 2D-3D materials devices developing novel principles of advanced quantum and nanoscale energy management devices. In particular, the project will investigate largely unexplored fundamental links between electronic and phononic heat transport, electrical and nanomechanical phenomena, and thermal-electrical-mechanical energy conversion in the 2D nanostructures. The project outcomes will lead to highly efficient thermoelectric and electrocaloric devices, beyond-state-of-the-art on-chip cooling, and highly sensitive photons and phonons detectors, approaching quantum limits.
The successful applicant will work in experimental research at Lancaster University Quantum Technology Centre (LQTC) in one of the world-leading groups in the exploration of physical properties of 2DM’s using scanning probe microscopy (SPM), in direct interaction with NCSRD in Athens, the world leader in molecular beam epitaxy synthesis of 2D materials, and National Graphene Institute producing unique 2D material hetero and nanostructures. The applicant will have the opportunity to spend some time in Athens and at NGI, and collaborate with leading experimental and theoretical scientists in the field. The applicant is expected to have an excellent academic record in the Physics, Material Science or Electrical Engineering, with good experience in advanced experimentation, and good analytical skills.
The Physics Department is in the top 10 of UK Physics Departments (#4 by Guardian and Sunday Times rating and #7 by Good University Guide). It is a holder of Athena SWAN Silver award and Institute of Physics JUNO Championship status and is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our department.
Applicants are expected to have the equivalent of a first (1) or upper second (2.1) degree class in Physics or Astrophysics, supplemented by a relevant Master's-level qualification. Potential applicants are invited to apply to the physics department stating the title of the project and the name of the supervisor.
Contact Professor Oleg Kolosov for any additional enquiries
Funding note
The funding for this project is restricted to UK residents and will cover national and international secondments to the NGI and NCSRD in Athens.
Condensed Matter Theory
Professor Henning Schomerus
Quantum systems can display robust features related to topological properties. These attain precise values that can only change in phase transitions where the states change their topological properties. While the scope of these effects is well understood for electronic and superconducting systems, a much richer range is encountered for photonic and bosonic systems. In these systems particles can be created and annihilated, which results in loss, gain, and nonlinearity. Recent years have seen a surge of activity to tailor these bosonic systems to their electronic counterparts, mostly by eliminating the mentioned differences. Going beyond these efforts, work of the supervisor and collaborators has demonstrated that topological physics extends beyond these mere analogies, leading to experimental demonstrations for laser, microwave resonator arrays, and polaritonic condensates. In parallel, a substantial body of literature has emerged on models that extrapolate topological notions to these settings.
What is missing is a fundamental understanding of the physical scope of these extension. Most models include the out-of-equilibrium effects phenomenologically, often with the desired effects already in mind. Furthermore, the characterization of the models often uses properties that do not have an immediate physical meaning. This project tackles these questions generally and practically by developing a consistent response theory that allows to derive and analyse effective models. The development of this framework will be guided by considering concrete photonic and mechanical settings. The project develops analytical and numerical skills in quantum mechanics and classical wave dynamics.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.
Professor Henning Schomerus
Quantum systems can encode information, but this information quickly becomes inaccessible if the associated degrees of freedom coupled with the environment. A key recent realization points towards systematic measurements as a way to arrest this undesirable process. However, measurements induce an additional source of randomness, and fundamentally change the dynamics of the system.
This project aims at characterizing the resulting complicated dynamics by identifying universal aspects that are independent of the details of the system. This will be approached by including random elements into the dynamics, which make the systems accessible via powerful stochastic methods. Important parts of the project will be to set up suitable models that capture the key physics of relevant systems, and to identify and evaluate quantities that robustly characterize the resulting dynamics. This project develops skills describe of quantum many-body systems analytical and numerically.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.
Dr Neil Drummond
Positron annihilation spectroscopies are sensitive techniques for characterising both molecules and bulk materials. When a positron annihilates with an electron in a molecule or crystal, the resulting gamma rays carry information about the local electronic structure; e.g., the positron lifetime depends on the electronic density, while the momentum distribution of the outgoing radiation depends on the electronic momentum distribution. However, positrons significantly perturb the electronic structure of the molecules to which they bind. Hence experimental positron annihilation studies rely on computational modelling to interpret the results produced.
In this project you will develop and apply quantum Monte Carlo methods for solving the many-body Schroedinger equation for positronic molecules and bulk materials to produce data that will facilitate the interpretation of positron annihilation experiments. The work will involve developing and implementing appropriate forms of trial many-body wave function and investigating the effects of nuclear motion on positronic molecules.
The project is of a theoretical and computational nature, and is suited to a student with interests in numerical modelling, scientific computer programming, materials science, and quantum mechanics.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.
Dr Amos Chan
A fundamental question in theoretical physics is how quantum information gets scrambled in quantum many-body systems. Strongly interacting quantum many-body systems are notoriously difficult to analyse. A recent breakthrough has allowed physicists to make progress by utilising a new family of minimal models, called random quantum circuits, which capture universal signatures of chaos, but yet are analytically tractable since the details of the physical system are abandoned except for unitarity and locality.
This project aims to advance the understanding of many-body quantum chaos, especially in the presence of symmetries, by studying observables like the spectral form factor, entanglement dynamics, and out-of-time-order correlator. This project develops transferable numerical skills and analytical skills when possible.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.
Dr Amos Chan
The difficulty of isolating a system from its environment in realistic set-ups motivates the study of open quantum systems, which are systems containing some microscopic regions coupled to external environments. How do open quantum many-body systems relax to its steady state(s) via dissipation? What are the universal signatures of dynamical phases in many-body open quantum systems? And how does the notion of chaos and localisation differ in open systems from isolated ones?
This project aims to advance the understanding of open quantum many-body systems, specifically by studying observables like spectral statistics and entanglement dynamics. This project develops transferable numerical skills and analytical skills when possible.
Funding is available on a competitive basis. To be considered for a funded studentship, please submit your application by 31 January 2025.