
The ULT logo superimposed on top of a ULT fridge

The ULT2025 Conference opens on Thursday 14th of August and closes on Monday 18th of August. For those wishing to attend, the George Picket Memorial Day will be held on Tuesday 19th August.

Thursday 14th August Friday 15th August Saturday 16th August Sunday 17th August Monday 18th August Tuesday 19th August


Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee George Picket Memorial Day (until 2pm)
9am- 10.30am Opening/Talks Talks Talks Talks
10.30am-11am Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
11am-12.30pm Talks Talks Talks Talks
12.30-2pm Lunch Lunch Excursion/Free Time Lunch
2-3.30pm Talks Talks Talks
3.30-4pm Registration Coffee Coffee Coffee
4-5.30pm Talks Talks Talks
5.30-6.30pm Reception Poster session Poster session/Lab Tour Closing session
7-8pm Banquet